set ablaze in English

set on fire, ignite

Use "set ablaze" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "set ablaze" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "set ablaze", or refer to the context using the word "set ablaze" in the English Dictionary.

1. Set Ablaze • During the riot, a police car was set Ablaze

2. Set ablaze --- On fire

3. • The house was then set Ablaze

4. Among the sparks you have set ablaze.

5. And will set ablaze the foundations of mountains.

6. Abu Hardan well No. 136 was set ablaze.

7. As the mediations failed, the entire mountain was set ablaze.

8. As thorns cut down, they will be set ablaze with fire.

9. As thorns cut away, they will be set ablaze even with fire.

10. At least two schools, a police station and 15 cars were set ablaze.

11. Once the fire of prejudice is set ablaze, it can smolder for centuries.

12. The entire stage will be set ablaze as an offering as the ritual ends.

13. On 14 May, Trinidad came under repeated attack and was set ablaze by bombs.

14. (2 Kings 18:13) Jerusalem was set ablaze by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E.

15. Additionally, more than # buildings were destroyed and # hristian churches and monasteries set ablaze, shelled or otherwise destroyed

16. Most people in Dille village ran, but those who could not were gunned down and many homes were set ablaze.

17. Another brother said that the effect of the preaching work was like a fire set ablaze through the established religions.

18. • Mobs of Right-wing thugs set Ablaze a tent city housing refugees outside Leipzig and torched a hostel in Zielitz.

19. By the end of the day, both the headquarters of the cantonal government and the City Hall had been set ablaze.

20. In fact, the city of Corinth had been conquered and set ablaze by the Roman General Mummius back in 146 B.C.E.

21. Ten synagogues, five schools, an orphanage and a youth club, along with various Jewish shops and 150 houses were set ablaze and destroyed.

22. Looters carried off Armloads of merchandise from liquor stores and a CVS pharmacy at Pennsylvania and North avenues that also was set ablaze

23. Police cars were set ablaze, guns were seized from military depots and distributed to the masses and symbols of the Communist regime were vandalised.

24. She and her four surviving members smile while looking at their home being set ablaze; they walk inside the building and shut the doors.

25. In addition to the # people reported killed during the attack, a number of civilians were injured and parts of El Sunita were set ablaze

26. The current spate of violence began on February 27 th , when a train carrying many Hindu devotees was set ablaze by some Muslims at Godhra, Gujarat.

27. For example, Bisseifou Guidado’s 26-year-old son, Ngabou Guidado, was abducted in April 2005, and their family home in Boguila, Ouham-Pende, was set ablaze.

28. Set Afire set alight, lighted, lit, ignited, set on fire, set ablaze, set burning, set aflame, set blazing The houses were set Afire, but there were only minor injuries.

29. Isaiah’s prophecy explains why: “Look! All you who are igniting a fire, making sparks light up, walk in the light of your fire, and amid the sparks that you have set ablaze.

30. In the year 2000, in just one celebration staged over the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 20 tons of fireworks were set ablaze to entertain a million or more spectators gathered on the harbor foreshores.

31. “The national information agency reported that the area of about 50,000 m2 which had been set ablaze in those farms ran from Zabdin in the west to the ski resort in the east.

32. During the brief occupation of Goz Beida, the rebel groups looted offices of aid agencies, including the premises of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and set ablaze a fuel depot

33. Napoleon had not expected to encounter opposition, and the bridges linking the French troops at Aspern-Essling to Lobau were not protected with palisades, making them highly vulnerable to Austrian barges that had been set ablaze.

34. All will then suffer the consequences and bear the responsibility for the dangers inherent in that situation, which will not only blow away Palestinians and Israelis alike, but may well set ablaze the extremely sensitive Middle East region.

35. + 17 Because they have abandoned me and are making sacrifices smoke to other gods+ in order to offend me with all the work of their hands,+ my rage will be set ablaze against this place and it will not be extinguished.’”

36. Now, missiles or arrows tipped with pitch and then set ablaze were used not only to burn up engines of war but they were intended also to stick in wooden shields and set them afire, obliging soldiers under enemy attack to throw away their shields.