separatists in English

a person who supports the separation of a particular group of people from a larger body on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender.
religious separatists

Use "separatists" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "separatists" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "separatists", or refer to the context using the word "separatists" in the English Dictionary.

1. And Yuri was friends with separatists.

2. The recent bombings may be a sign of a renewed vendetta between rival separatists.

3. These weapons are used by the separatists, including for shooting down airplanes.

4. Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles.

5. They spoke loud and clear through the ballot box, giving the separatists elements a fitting reply.

6. In Battlefront II, Bossk returns as a Hero for the Separatists and Galactic Empire

7. Starting Mid-April 2014 pro-Russian separatists captured several towns in Donetsk Oblast; including Avdiivka.

8. Pharisees: Some scholars believe the name is derived from the words for “Separated Ones,” or “Separatists.”

9. The quicksands of Anabaptistry : the covenant theology of the English separatists and the origins of the Baptists

10. With the Separatists secretly building a battle droid army, Palpatine uses the situation to have himself granted emergency powers.

11. According to the Ukrainians, the separatists launched three attacks on Ukrainian positions, with all of them being repelled.

12. Opposing Chiang's alleged dictatorship, the separatists included KMT leaders like Wang Jingwei, Sun Fo and others from diverse factions.

13. A 90-year-old archbishop was briefly abducted in a western Cameroon region gripped by conflict between Anglophone separatists and security forces, the …

14. Many separatists are behind bars or, like the most notable leader, the octogenarian Syed Ali Shah Geelani, under house arrest.

15. His superior officers dismissed the war against the Separatists as a mere "brush fire" that the clones alone would easily handle.

16. Following the suppression of 2016–17 Cameroonian protests, Ambazonian separatists in the Anglophone territories of Northwest Region and Southwest Region …

17. To this day, some Corsican separatists such as the (now-disbanded) Armata Corsa, advocate the restoration of the island's republic.

18. During the fighting, the separatists reportedly conducted three rounds of shelling of Ukrainian positions, with each lasting three to six hours.

19. A crowd of separatists later rallied around the city council building, entered it, and raised the flag of the People's Republic over it.

20. Cameroon Violence has been rife in Cameroon’s North-West and South-West regions since late 2016, as armed separatists seek independence for the …

21. Sometime during the Clone Wars, the Separatists claimed that the Grand Army of the Republic was responsible for the destruction of Agao-Nir

22. Ukrainian forces also claimed to had advanced 1.5 kilometers near the village of Luhanske, seizing a strategic height from the separatists, Hill 223.

23. The Armenian separatists who ran Nagorno-Karabakh used the districts once occupied by Azeris as a buffer zone and a future bargaining chip, making …

24. During the War in Abkhazia (1992–1993), roughly 230,000 to 250,000 Georgians were expelled from Abkhazia by Abkhaz separatists and North Caucasian volunteers (including Chechens).

25. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, founder of the strongly nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, accused Masyuk in 1996 of being on the payroll of Chechen separatists.

26. However the Republic did not solve any constitutional problem but become centralized step by step . It was separatists' dictatorship under the cloak of republicanism .

27. Before the start of the main military activities of the First Chechen War the FSK was responsible for the covert operations against the separatists led by Dzhokhar Dudayev.

28. An entrenched standoff between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and pro-Russian separatists affiliated with the Donetsk People's Republic took place from 12 April until 5 July 2014.

29. He earned the Italian epithet re bomba, “The Bomb King,” when he ordered the shelling of a Sicilian town believed to be a stronghold of Antimonarchist separatists, despite its large civilian

30. “Here some doctors worked Clandestinely for the separatists and turned it into a den of separatist conspiracies.” “During the communist era, Christmas in Budapest was a low-key affair, often celebrated Clandestinely .”

31. The former separatist religious leader (mufti) Akhmad Kadyrov, looked upon as a traitor by many separatists, was elected president with 83% of the vote in an internationally monitored election on October 5, 2003.

32. As a result of the adventurist policy pursued by Armenian nationalist-separatists in Nagorny Karabakh, today more than 1 million of our citizens have been expelled from their homes by Armenian aggressors and forced to live in tents.

33. The first three decades of Charlemagne’s reign were dominated by military campaigns, which were prompted by a variety of factors: the need to defend his realm against external foes and internal separatists, a desire for conquest and booty, a keen sense of opportunities offered by changing power relationships, and an urge to spread Christianity.