sensibilities in English

Use "sensibilities" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sensibilities" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sensibilities", or refer to the context using the word "sensibilities" in the English Dictionary.

1. The challenge offended their sensibilities.

2. The article offended her religious sensibilities.

3. I'll get to apply my artistic sensibilities.

4. Hargreaves was a rich amalgam of natural gifts and sensibilities.

5. She accomplished this through combining sensibilities of both Action painting and Pop art.

6. Cubicle dwellers need to be mindful of other people’s smell sensibilities and possible allergies

7. In a multicultural society we need to show respect for the sensibilities of others.

8. Adoptionist Christology would not necessarily be deemed incommensurate with Judaism nor provoke the Jewish sensibilities

9. We mixed elements from classic arcade games with modern sensibilities to bring you Breakpoint

10. Even the mayonnaise has no egg in it, so as not to offend vegan sensibilities.

11. Having sensibilities of a counter-culture nature lover or hippie; derived from the concept of Crunchy granola

12. How our sensibilities in regard to social and ecological problems have evolved over the last 40 years.

13. There were his fine sensibilities, his fine feelings, his fine longings -- a sort of sublimated, idealised selfishness.

14. Animal life may form the basis for an Animalizing imagination that can enhance our cultural, religious and aesthetic sensibilities

15. The scherzo and the finale are filled with Beethovenian musical jokes, which shocked the sensibilities of many contemporary critics

16. I have to follow every lead, however unlikely however fucking painful it might be to your delicate fucking sensibilities.

17. There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding.

18. We now know that the watery slime so offensive to human sensibilities serves as an incubator for a variety of wildlife.

19. Air's masterpiece debut "Moon Safari" flips that cold electronica feel upside-down, by combining warm ambience and pop sensibilities

20. Politicians have perceived little gain in granting petitions for something that offends the sensibilities of a significant number of the heterosexual majority.

21. It is a decidedly loving look that Taylor takes, which may not assuage the sensibilities of a supposedly more enlightened age.

22. What does Crunchy mean? (slang) Having sensibilities of a counter-culture nature lover or hippie; derived from the concept of Crunchy granola.

23. Growing up under Soviet occupation had a profound effect on everything from Brike's work ethic to her subject matter and aesthetic sensibilities

24. Growing up under Soviet occupation had a profound effect on everything from Brike's work ethic to her subject matter and aesthetic sensibilities

25. It has generally been much more effective in forming the musical sensibilities of clergy than hit-and-run visits to theological colleges.

26. Johanna's knitting and general Craftiness is a good fit for Bramble Berry and we are thrilled to have her indie cool sensibilities in our midst.

27. The Atoning almost becomes arthouse horror, but there's enough B-movie sensibilities about the piece for it to appeal to horror fans of all sorts.

28. Accessorize Bags – Your Loyal (and Fashionable) Travel Companions Style requires a lot of effort – the season’s Trends, your individual fashion sensibilities, knowledge about what looks good on you, ETC

29. What makes slaves of men and women, Beclouding their intellects and stupefying their moral sensibilities so that the truths of God’s Word are not appreciated? _____ _____ CD-SG 8.7

30. It is also a daily advertisement for the brutish sensibilities and shallow Brainpans of the people who now control the city.” by Alexander Cockburn Originally published March 14, 1977

31. But Friedman’s consistent anti-statism also led him to embrace positions that ran afoul of many conservatives’ political sensibilities, underscoring the intellectual honesty that was the hallmark of his career.

32. More than just a magic book, Christian Chelman's Capricornian Tales takes the reader into strange, uncharted territory with presentations that will chill the heart and challenge the sensibilities of any audience.

33. More than just a magic book, Christian Chelman's Capricornian Tales takes the reader into strange, uncharted territory with presentations that will chill the heart and challenge the sensibilities of any audience.

34. Thanks to the humanistic sensibilities of Messrs. Hewlett and Packard, HP also demonstrated a new type of management technique(, one that placed a premium on the workers and their happiness.

35. It seems as though the "common viewer" Appreciatest he sensibilities of a movie like "Habana Suite" better than the professional critics, who don't seem to understand what the director intended and achieved: a tone poem highlighting It seems as though the "common viewer" Appreciatest he sensibilities of a movie like "Habana Suite" better than the professional critics, who don't seem to

36. Deerhunter Blipped onto the blogosphere with its glowering 2007 album "Cryptograms," and the Atlanta band has remained prolific ever since, expertly straddling the line between noisy guitars and warmer pop sensibilities

37. It seems as though the "common viewer" Appreciatest he sensibilities of a movie like "Habana Suite" better than the professional critics, who don't seem to understand what the director intended and achieved: a tone poem highlighting certain (positive) elements of a Day in the Life of It seems as though the "common viewer" Appreciatest he sensibilities of a movie like "Habana Suite" better than

38. And they were heavily marketed as a tobacco product for a man’s man: Where Marlboro cigarettes appealed to Americans’ cowboy sensibilities, the Backwoods cigar appealed to the nation’s outdoorsman, the kind of macho bro who

39. “The Bluest of Blues represents a win for spotlighting the significant historical contributions of a uniquely talented woman who was gifted with an imagination in tune to both the expression of artistic sensibilities and the accumulation of scientific knowledge.”

40. “And if, for example, Antiabortionism required the perverting of natural reason and normal sensibilities by a system of superstitions, then the liberal could discredit it—but it doesn’t, so he can’t.”—Roger Wertheimer, Philosophy and Public Affairs 11.1.2 Singular Inferences

41. “Parallel Lines” presents Blondie’s graduation from juvenile inexperienced diamonds-in-the-rough to purveyors of polished pop with new wave sensibilities, and although it alienated their original fanbase, its fluency and immediacy meant that many of its songs became ubiquitous and propelled the band to superstardom

42. English: In Central Europe, the Biedermeier era refers to the middle-class sensibilities of the historical period between 1815, the year of the Congress of Vienna at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, and 1848, the year of the European revolutions.Although the term itself is a historical reference, it is currently used to denote the artistic styles that flourished in the fields of literature

43. Acculturated is a collection of brief, sharp-eyed, complex—and in the best sense of that sadly overused and abused term, entertaining—accounts of present-day American sensibilities and daily lives.It could have been titled The Way We Live Now, and there is no one in the country who will not experience the comfort of finding his habits and attitudes reflected in at least some, if not indeed

44. To offset some European sensibilities, the Administration at least attempted to blur the boundaries between national, theatre and force missile defence to reinforce the credentials of missile defence as an internationalist package. However, nothing in the recent policy announcements of the Bush administration suggests that it has been diverted from its own internal timetable for the development and ultimate deployment of a missile defence system that now goes far beyond the limited shield envisaged by the Clinton administration, with little regard for the strategic implications of such a stance.57 The only limits are technological rather than political, to which the October 2001 decision to unilaterally abrogate the 1972 ABM Treaty attests.