selling short in English

selling monetary exchange or stocks that are not under the ownership of the selle

Use "selling short" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "selling short" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "selling short", or refer to the context using the word "selling short" in the English Dictionary.

1. The so-called "naked short selling" is not yet determined whether the borrowed stock in the case of the short selling of stocks.

2. He avoided the capital gains tax by short selling.

3. Four EU nations ban short-selling on banking stocks

4. Index Futures contracts, Short selling is the concept of buying.

5. But in the second model, short selling is not permitted.

6. Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose.

7. Short selling is considered an necessary part of an efficiently operating market.

8. Short selling a way to make money when a stock price falls.

9. As regulators, it is abusive short selling that we want to prevent.

10. Short selling is a way to money when a stock price falls.

11. Short selling is a way to money when a price drop ( falls ).

12. Even more puzzling is the ban on short selling German financial stocks.

13. Profits can be sought by either buying an asset or short selling.

14. Short selling is considered unnecessary a necessary part an efficiently operating market.

15. Short selling is selling borrowed stock in the expectation of buying it back later at a lower price, and keeping the difference.

16. An attempt to push down the price of a security, usually by short selling.

17. Short selling is a way to make money when the a stock price falls.

18. " Naked " short-selling is when a trader sells financial instruments he has not yet borrowed .

19. The agency gave an emergency order to restrict as naked short selling of those stocks.

20. These mixed results suggest that short selling restrictions are not the main cause of mispricings.

21. Short-selling is when traders profit from bets on the fall in a share price .

22. Selling the American national interest short, countless other corporations abjectly do Beijing's lobbying in Congress.

23. Finally, the European Union this week unveiled powers an all - out ban on short selling stocks.

24. 17 Even in the bearish market decline, Soros also give a short selling skills after the big bucks.

25. Pretty soon after the fallout, rumors began to circulate that blamed hostile foreign forces of “malicious” short-selling.