self-absorption in English

preoccupation with one's own emotions, interests, or situation.
Therapism celebrates emotional self-absorption and the sharing of feelings.
the absorption by a body of radiation which it has itself emitted.
The absorbance was always kept below 0.05 to avoid self-absorption of the fluorescence.

Use "self-absorption" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "self-absorption" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "self-absorption", or refer to the context using the word "self-absorption" in the English Dictionary.

1. But sincerity was often indistinguishable from self-absorption.

2. In my case, self-absorption is completely justified.

3. It will perish in its own self-absorption.

4. Our citizens do understand Europe's self-absorption only too well.

5. What is the trait you most deplore in others? Self - absorption.

6. is a very thin line between watching movies and self-absorption.

7. The self-absorption of the element to be determined is taken into account.

8. An uncompromising self-absorption which alienates others and compromises the well-being of all.

9. For self-absorption to be professional, we are making best to every "DHL" Zipper.

10. Her self-absorption is total - she talks you to death about her health problems.

11. Early adolescence is a time of self-absorption, preoccupation with body changes, and impulsiveness.

12. Just about all that remains in this painting is a sort of uneasy self-absorption .

13. The possible reasons for the self-absorption duration difference for different lines were also discussed.

14. This machine also has the self-absorption function, the absolution supplies the thick liquid pump.

15. A: An uncompromising self-absorption which alienates others and compromises the well-being of all.

16. Antonyms for Altruisms include selfishnesses, greeds, egoisms, egotisms, meannesses, narrownesses, self-absorption, mercenariness, misanthropies and avarices

17. We've polluted creation, no only with our garbage and toxic waste, but with our self-absorption .

18. The essence of "Chengdu model" of rural labor transferring is the "self-absorption" in the region.

19. The spectroscopic properties depending on magnetic field strength, self-absorption and atom density are demonstrated and explained.

20. The calculation has the specific feature that both radiation emission and self-absorption are taken into account.

21. The results show that the self-absorption corrections are not related to shape and size of the sources.

22. Her book is simply a collection of memories, told without conceit or self-absorption - and therein lies its power.

23. For instance, evidence for self-absorption at radio frequencies exists only for the Afterglows 970508, 991208, 000301c, and, perhaps, 991216

24. Loneliness can lead to self-absorption and a high sensitivity where you hopelessly avoid others, or desperately seek their positive affirmation.

25. And I think this speaks to a spectrum that goes from complete self-absorption, to noticing, to empathy and to compassion.

26. The first task of the person who wish to live wisely is to free himself or herself from the confines of self-absorption.

27. External discipline is the only road to happiness for those unfortunates whose self-absorption is too profound to be cured in any other way.

28. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been shown to be a promising technique for element analysis. However, self-absorption effect deeply influences the LIBS measurements.

29. I felt ready to abandon self-absorption for the sake of consummate empathy, to catalogue every one of Chloe's memories, to become a historian of her childhood, to learn all of her loves and fears.

30. ‘The sheer Absurdity of the situation he recounts would be very amusing were it not so utterly pathetic.’ ‘They have made us think about ourselves by making us laugh at our own Absurdity.’ ‘And this sense of our own Absurdity is vital; it is what pulls me out of self-absorption.’