seek for in English

search for, look fo

Use "seek for" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seek for" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seek for", or refer to the context using the word "seek for" in the English Dictionary.

1. He tried valiantly to seek for truth.

2. Seek for buried treasure - £000 hidden in Smugglers Country.

3. Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.

4. To Beseech is to seek for something, or for permission

5. Please do not seek for me, because I already extricated.

6. We do not seek for all to be totally convinced.

7. Do they seek for other than the Religion of Allah?

8. It is my duty to seek for charity, which envieth not.

9. Here, the sick would come to worship and seek for cures.

10. Leaves behind a lamp, lets my heart seek for a warm corner.

11. Ava always takes initiative to seek for opportunity to learn outside the classroom.

12. They will seek for the family life that deacon wants with all his heart.

13. Curiosity impels us to seek for knowledge of this identity, this empty thing-in-itself.

14. To explore the blood rheologic condition of patients withobstinate migraine and to seek for treatment strategies.

15. Surplus-oriented management refers to the process that the managers of enterprises seek for the profitable financial result through accounting policies.

16. We at Acture capital constantly seek for new talents as our strength comes from the people and teams delivering excellence at Acture capital

17. I thought that the IT department's people should also not have other solution, therefore I try to seek for the domestic bar code generative software.

18. If IBM product library pages do not offer the plug-ins you seek for download, contact IBM to help identify the need for the downloads.

19. The Coil Master Mesh Tank is a simple but revolutionary non-replaceable Coil tank for the vaper who seek for pure flavor and super cloud vape

20. So we should seek for approaches to combine education theories and practices from the aspect of content and implementation procedure on scientific function of modern education.

21. Before each commodity send out the goods, has the process specialist's reorganization and inspection, as in packaging, is unavoidable to have some crimple, seek for your understanding.

22. This phrase alludes to the Roman poet Horace's Epistles, in which he says: Atque inter silvas Academi quaerere verum ‘and seek for truth in the groves of Academe’

23. Entries with "Acquirere" acquire: acquire (English) Origin & history From Middle English acqueren‎, from Old French aquerre‎, from Latin Acquirere‎; ad‎ + quaerere‎ ("to seek for")…

24. AIM To establish a rat C6 brain tumor model, observe the tumor growth by general observation and MRI scan and seek for a simple and reliable index to judge its size.

25. Then, under the premise of satisfying the stability conditions, and through the selection of the parameters, we seek for the method whose stability region is large as possible as it can.

26. Through the reflection of three years' life behind jail , assuredly I feel the verity that I did yearn to seek for even a ghost of elegancy of affection , but ultimately corrupted .

27. To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life: but unto them that are Contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, ( Romans 2:7-8) Source: A King James Dictionary

28. Saint Augustine sees his pains as God being “mercifully hard upon me and Besprinkling all my illicit pleasures with certain elements of bitterness, to draw me on to seek for pleasures in which no bitterness should be.” -Kreeft, Heaven “I must be frank with you: the greatest danger confronting American evangelical Christianity is the