seasickness in English


motion sickness caused by the rocking motion of a boat at sea

Use "seasickness" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seasickness" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seasickness", or refer to the context using the word "seasickness" in the English Dictionary.

1. Also called: Airsickness, Carsickness, Seasickness

2. Seasickness tablets often cause drowsiness.

3. I have some tablets for seasickness.

4. Pills for seasickness often induce drowsiness.

5. Seasickness has no personal meaning for me.

6. Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness.

7. Seasickness was everywhere and people had no appetite.

8. Few things can sap the spirit faster than seasickness.

9. Seasickness, car sickness, and airsickness are commonly experienced examples.

10. Sally always suffers from seasickness when she is at sea.

11. He was very prone to seasickness and already felt queasy.

12. Also invoked against appendicitis, intestinal disease, and seasickness. Feast day, June

13. Also patron of sailors; he is invoked against intestinal disease and seasickness.

14. Fighting back seasickness, Jeff Whitworth, an ex-Marine, got a welcome respite.

15. After a day of seasickness, it felt good to step on to land.

16. Thanks to stabilisers, and effective modern remedies for seasickness, real discomfort is rare.

17. Objective To investigate the correlation between personality trait, cognitive style and seasickness symptoms.

18. I felt like I was going to Barf from seasickness out on that boat

19. The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness.

20. Male speaker Apart from the awful seasickness, the most frightening part was Cape Horn.

21. It has everything that is nice about yachting without the snobbery, seasickness or overheads.

22. Methods Maximum tolerance test of anti - seasickness oral solution was performed in Kunming mice.

23. Objective To conduct safety evaluation of serial anti - seasickness oral solutions for animal toxicology.

24. The ailment is also known as seasickness, car sickness, train sickness, Airsickness, and swing sickness.

25. I felt like I was going to blow Chunks from seasickness out on that boat

26. I felt like I was going to blow Chow from seasickness out on that boat

27. But for Florence a " visceral dread, a helpless disgust as palpable as seasickness " is overwhelming her.

28. Synonyms for Barfing include sickness, vomiting, retching, airsickness, carsickness, gagging, nausea, puking, seasickness and travel-sickness

29. Polly looked away, her stomach churning with a nausea that couldn't be blamed solely on hunger or seasickness.

30. Polly looked away,( her stomach churning with a nausea that couldn't be blamed solely on hunger or seasickness.

31. Despite encountering a storm during which we all suffered from seasickness, after four days at sea we docked safely at Rio de Janeiro.