sea pen in English

a marine coelenterate related to the corals, forming a feather-shaped colony with a horny or calcareous skeleton.
Among the strait's most impressive creatures is the beautiful sea pen , and these beautiful animals are often displayed in public aquariums.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "sea pen" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sea pen", or refer to the context using the word "sea pen" in the English Dictionary.

1. Their spacing is regular, a telltale mark that the flow field around each sea pen defines the optimum spacing of neighbors.

2. ‘The oldest Anthozoans are probably some of the polyp-like and sea pen-like fossils from the Vendian (late Precambrian).’ ‘In addition to their relevance as model organisms for understanding metazoan evolution, Anthozoans are ecologically important.’

3. Chaetodon capistratus is a browser who feeds on Anthozoans preferring hexacoral such as scleractinians, anemones, and zoantharians.: Most symbiotic Anthozoans live in nutrient-poor tropical waters.: The oldest Anthozoans are probably some of the polyp-like and sea pen-like fossils from the Vendian.: Anthozoans are readily available on coral reefs therefore it's not surprising that Anthozoan