scratching oneself in English

scraping oneself, scrubbing oneself

Use "scratching oneself" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scratching oneself" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scratching oneself", or refer to the context using the word "scratching oneself" in the English Dictionary.

1. Avoid scratching.

2. 3 . Destructive scratching

3. The dog is always scratching.

4. Scratching can Aggravate the rash

5. Scratching can aggravate the rash.

6. He kept scratching at his nose.

7. Scratching Composedly with a hard pen - …

8. Intoxicating rhapsody became a scratching claw.

9. Keep it dry and absolutely no scratching.

10. 2 ‘a minor official Condescended to see us’ SYNONYMS deign , stoop, descend, lower oneself, humble oneself, demean oneself, debase oneself, vouchsafe, think fit, see fit, deem it worthy of oneself, consent

11. Somewhere there's a baboon scratching his ass.

12. We just manage to keep scratching along.

13. Scratching the rash will make it worse.

14. Autobiography, the biography of oneself narrated by oneself

15. The dog is scratching at the door.

16. The mongrel presented his muzzle for scratching.

17. We could hear mice scratching behind the wall.

18. The only prohibitions were eye gouging, scratching, and biting.

19. A single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard.

20. And imitating God means coming out of oneself, giving oneself in love.

21. He was scratching at the bites on his arm.

22. Gaily let in the cat, scratching at the door.

23. The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back.

24. • Caring for oneself.

25. She doesn't want to see Sheila Kirkland scratching away.