scarcer in English

(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.
as raw materials became scarce, synthetics were developed
synonyms:in short supplyscantscantymeagersparseshorthard to findhard to come bytoo littleinsufficientdeficientinadequatelackingwantingat a premiumpaltrynegligiblerare/scarce as hen's teethrarer/scarcer than hen's teethnot to be had for love or moneyexiguous

Use "scarcer" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scarcer" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scarcer", or refer to the context using the word "scarcer" in the English Dictionary.

1. 18 The scarcer the commodity - eg accountancy - the more the applicant will exercise his power of selection.

2. Between 14 and 25 million Berber-speakers live within this region, most densely in Algeria and Morocco, becoming generally scarcer

3. ---Habitat--- The Avens (Geum urbanum, Linn.), belonging to the order Rosacece, its genus being nearly related to the Potentilla genus, is a common wayside plant in Great Britain, abundant in woods and hedges in England, Ireland and southern Scotland, though becoming scarcer in the north.