scalps in English

the skin covering the head, excluding the face.
Sometimes, this fungus can cause our scalps to shed skin cells too quickly.
take the scalp of (an enemy).
This squares with the team song, which goes on about scalping the enemy and other warrior skills, befitting for a game of violence, which football clearly is (I speak as a fan).

Use "scalps" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scalps" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scalps", or refer to the context using the word "scalps" in the English Dictionary.

1. Let's first make sure they're after our scalps.

2. He looks for scalps like an outcast.

3. His horse had 40 scalps hung in its mane.

4. After the war, Bounties were offered for Dakota scalps

5. After the two split up, Fitzgerald ambushes, kills and scalps Henry.

6. The wolves would dig it up, or thieving Indians looking for scalps.

7. Each and every man under my command owes me 100 Nazi scalps.

8. Appalling Others show real-life autopsies, filmed for medical purposes, showing the removal of human eyes, tongues and scalps.

9. Offal from cattle, namely the rumens, omasa, Abomasa, feet, mouths, scalps, lungs, hearts, livers, kidneys, gall bladders, pancreas, windpipes, spleen, penises

10. Because of how well skin and hair absorbs it, Babassu oil is especially a good idea for people with oilier scalps and scalp conditions

11. Pliny tells us that the Anthropophagi are often found drinking from human skulls and that they wear human scalps around their necks so that the hair becomes some sort of horrible napkin or bib

12. The Anthropophagi, whom we have previously mentioned as dwelling ten days’ journey beyond the Borysthenes, according to the account of Isigonus of Nicæa, were in the habit of drinking out of human skulls, and placing the scalps, with the hair attached, upon their breasts, like so many napkins.