sayonara in English

They fulfilled their obligations to the record company and said sayonara .

Use "sayonara" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sayonara" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sayonara", or refer to the context using the word "sayonara" in the English Dictionary.

1. Goodbye goodbye sayonara. Goodbye goodbye sayonara.

2. But you said "sayonara" just now!

3. My lingerie looks better on me than you - sayonara!

4. Guess this is what your people call sayonara.

5. So sayonara, try tomorra, nice to know ya.

6. 15 So sayonara, try tomorra, nice to know ya.

7. So long, fellows, sayonara, and take care of the home front.

8. The novel concludes with the lovers forlornly bidding each other sayonara.

9. Well, on the plus side, his temperature's so... sayonara , Mr. Bober!

10. I bid you farewell , arrivederci , sayonara , and all that sort of jazz .

11. A great way to say "sayonara" to all that expensive gift paper.

12. These windows are 9 inches thick. If they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds.

13. At the railway station platform, we said sayonara, or good-bye, to all our dear friends.

14. Please extend my regrets to his majesty. I bid you farewell, arrivederci , sayonara, and all that sort of jazz.

15. Luckily I only signup for 4 session, sayonara to her now I will not signup PT anymore.

16. In 19 Umeki won an Oscar as Best Supporting Actress for her first U. S. film role, Sayonara.

17. When I switch to an iPhone with that bigger screen, I will be able to say "sayonara" to my laptop even more.

18. Are you tired of getting sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach in social situations? Use this guide to say sayonara to shyness.

19. "Sayonara, " cried he, as, with a tear in his eye, he walked away; for that is the Japanese for "good-bye. "

20. Rob Reiner's rites-of-passage drama is a bittersweet sayonara to the Huck Finn lifestyle; a film that gives us the honey as well as the hornets.

21. Bielefeld say sayonara to bottom three Japanese duo Ritsu Doan and Masaya Okugawa struck in a 2-1 win at Leverkusen which lifted Arminia out of the relegation zone

22. Adieu - a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes" bye-bye, cheerio, good day, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, sayonara, so long, adios, arrivederci, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, bye farewell, word of farewell - an acknowledgment or expression of goodwill at parting

23. well-wishing - compliments, regard, wish — respect - greeting, reception, response, salutation, welcome — accueil, réception - hail - kiss of peace, pax — paix, pouce - welcome — accueil, bienvenu - salute — révérence, salutation, signe de tête - hello, hi, how-do-you-do, howdy, hullo — bonjour, hi, salut - good morning, morning - afternoon, good afternoon — bonjour - military greeting, salute — salut - business card, calling card, card, visiting card — bristol, carte, carte de visite - farewell, word of farewell — adieu, congé - adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen, au revoir, bye, bye-bye, cheerio, goodby, good-by, goodbye, good-bye, good day, sayonara, so long, so long!