satisfactory explanation in English

explanation that suffices, good explanatio

Use "satisfactory explanation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "satisfactory explanation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "satisfactory explanation", or refer to the context using the word "satisfactory explanation" in the English Dictionary.

1. There seems to be no satisfactory explanation.

2. We want a satisfactory explanation of your lateness.

3. We are seeking a satisfactory explanation, which I am not sure we have properly received.

4. The latter way of understanding the notion yields both a more defensible version of Geach's arguments that ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are Attributive and a more satisfactory explanation of attributivity.

5. Consideration of the interionic Coulomb interaction alone leads already to a more satisfactory explanation of the long wave length portion of the spectra than the qualitative predictions of the electron-transfer model ofOverhauser.

6. See definition of Arid EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Some scientists have argued that the dark veins aren’t made of water at all and are really just Arid landslides, but neither camp has produced a satisfactory explanation

7. 6 And they're likely to flush some poor hobo and finish him off gruesomely for no other reason than that he can't give a satisfactory explanation for his pres?ence in the fields on a night like this.

8. 25 And they're likely to flush some poor hobo and finish him off gruesomely for no other reason than that he can't give a satisfactory explanation for his pres?ence in the fields on a night like this.

9. Some scientists have argued that the dark veins aren’t made of water at all and are really just Arid landslides, but neither camp has produced a satisfactory explanation. MARS’S MASCARA-LIKE STREAKS MAY BE CAUSED BY SLUSH AND LANDSLIDES CHARLIE WOOD FEBRUARY 3, 2021 …

10. A satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon may be that the neonastic stage characterising the peripheral growing tip of the colony with its incompletely calcified frontal walls of the zooids dominated the whole colony, induced by a stop of the calcification of the cryptocyst, with the exception of the ancestrula, the result of which being a secondary membranimorph stage, characteristic for the Malacostega.