sandbank in English

a deposit of sand forming a shallow area in the sea or a river.
Shoal water is an area made shallow by a sandbank or sandbar.

Use "sandbank" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sandbank" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sandbank", or refer to the context using the word "sandbank" in the English Dictionary.

1. The ship hit a sandbank.

2. The ship was stranded on a sandbank.

3. Look at that sandbank over there.

4. Rodley sighted a sandbank awash ahead.

5. It fetched up on a sandbank.

6. Something lumbered and crashed out on the sandbank.

7. The oil tanker ran aground on a sandbank.

8. I am a long drought disturbance of sandbank!

9. The sandbank was uncertain, like quicksand under his feet.

10. Our ship grounded in shallow water / on a sandbank.

11. The oil tanker was grounded on a sandbank.

12. Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.

13. Our boat got caught on a sandbank as we returned home.

14. What was formerly a sandbank has now become fertile paddy fields.

15. We waited for the tide to float the boat off the sandbank.

16. The boat stuck on a sandbank but we soon got it afloat again.

17. A small lagoon is formed by the stream between a sandbank and the rock wall.

18. Our house - boat is moored to a sandbank on the farther side of the river.

19. Well, when they get closer to shore, the boat hits a sandbank and gets stuck.

20. President lary - Byrd expressed that the team will not sell outright the sandbank Si Li contract.

21. He landed wheels-up on the sandbank and he and all the crew escaped certain death.

22. It is fine made by the animal concentrate and plant elite which live in the sandbank.

23. And conducts the adsorption performance study with this the Huangzhong County Gansu sandbank industrial waste.

24. A sandbank at the bottom of a steeper incline provides safe stopping places for bikes.

25. We aground on a sandbank and had to sit it out until the next high tide.

26. On 2 July, it ran aground on a sandbank off the West African coast, near today's Mauritania.

27. Argyll and the Islands Enterprise executives are anxious to purchase the 44-acre site at Sandbank, near Dunoon, for industrial use.

28. Thomé de Gamond explored several schemes and, in 1856, he presented a proposal to Napoleon III for a mined railway tunnel from Cap Gris-Nez to Eastwater Point with a port/airshaft on the Varne sandbank at a cost of 170 million francs, or less than £7 million.