samos in English

a Greek island in the Aegean Sea, close to the coast of western Turkey.

Use "samos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "samos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "samos", or refer to the context using the word "samos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aristarchus of Samos was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician


3. After storming and seizing Samos, Lysander returned to Sparta.

4. (3rd century BC), Greek astronomer; known as Aristarchus of Samos

5. Ays Special from Samos: For No Other Reason Than Your Skin Colour

6. Nearly 2,000 years before Galileo, Aristarchus of Samos posited the notion of heliocentrism

7. Aristarchus of Samos was a Greek mathematician and astronomer, born on the island of Samos, who was the first to propose a heliocentric theory, with Earth revolving around the Sun

8. Aristarchus of Samos is credited as the first person to present the Heliocentric model

9. Actors from Samos speak out about how it plAys out on the Greek island.

10. The peaceful development of Athenian power was interrupted by the revolt of Samos in 440

11. This shows a Spartan caution which is at variance with their previous bellicosity over Samos.

12. This name was borne by Aristarchus of Samos, a 3rd-century BC Greek astronomer and mathematician.

13. In Greece, fire - fighters are using water - dropping planes to douse blazes on the island of Samos.

14. 15 After the death of Alexander the Great, Perdiccas expelled the Athenian settlers on Samos to Colophon .

15. Antigone was performed sometime around the year 441 B.C.E., just before Athens fought a campaign against the revolt of Samos

16. Anciently, a wealthy and important religious and commercial center on the W coast of Asia Minor, nearly opposite the island of Samos.

17. Aristarchus of Samos: The Ancient Copernicus Paperback – August 1, 1981 by Thomas Health (Author) 4.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating

18. Biography Aristarchus of Samos does not seem to have had the attention from historians of mathematics which he deserved until recent times

19. By other accounts his father was the Lelegian king Altes, which accords well with Ancaeus's rule over the Leleges of Samos.

20. Aristarchus was born in about the year 310 BC, probably on the Greek island of Samos, the same island Pythagoras was born on 260 years earlier

21. For example Heath begins Volume II of his history of Greek mathematics with the words [5]:- Historians of mathematics have, as a rule, given too little attention to Aristarchus of Samos

22. Its mineral produce, metal-work, purple and pottery not only found markets among these settlements, but were distributed over the Mediterranean in the ships of Corinth and Samos.

23. Aristarchus, the famous ancient astronomer and mathematician born in Samos: Aristarchus (310 BC-230 BC) was a famous Greek mathematician and astronomer, popular for his theories regarding the heliocentrism of our solar system

24. Aristarchus of Samos was inspired by the work of Philolaus of Croton, who put forth the idea that the cosmos existed because unlimited fire is found at the center of a cosmic sphere

25. Following the split-up of WS-117L into SAMOS and Corona for image intelligence, and MIDAS for early warning, the Agena was later used as an upper stage, and an integrated component, for several

26. Cheer CHAMPION of the week Glocal Roots (We are One Centre Samos) ! Glocal Roots is an international organization that focuses on helping people with refugee backgrounds to once again become autonomous, independent, and self-reliant members of society.

27. How To Pronounce Aristarchies; How To Pronounce Aristarchos; How To Pronounce Aristarchos 2.3 m Telescope; How To Pronounce Aristarchos 2.3 m Telescope Project; How To Pronounce Aristarchos 2.3m Telescope Project; How To Pronounce Aristarchos of Samos; How To Pronounce Aristarchos of Samothrake; How To Pronounce Aristarchos Plateau

28. German: ·abacus (table with balls on wires or counters in groves, for counting)· (architecture) abacus (uppermost part of a column) 1983, Dieter Kurth, Die Dekoration der Säulen im Pronaos des Tempels von Edfu: Die Abakus sind aber beschriftet, […] The Abacuses are, however, inscribed, […] 1984, Wolfram Martini, Das Gymnasium von Samos, page 38