salto in English


(Sports) somersault or flip performed high in the air in which the feet go up over the head and the body revolves around the waist

Use "salto" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "salto" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "salto", or refer to the context using the word "salto" in the English Dictionary.

1. LOVE Crispy rice! The white rice version is just as the Italians do with leftover risotto, “Risotto al Salto

2. Alcuni elementi ricordano le cifre per gli sport invernali - salto in alto e lungo, Capriole , salti mortali e altri esercizi intricato.

3. Doing a Backflip, also called a back-tuck, somi, or salto, is a great way to show off your flexibility and agility, but it's also an advanced skill

4. A helicopter with tourists on board flies in front of Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, also known as "Salto Angel" at Canaima National Park, in southeastern Venezuela on August 200

5. Accepter insofar as Victoria, non praeda ripetitivo coarse vacuum doufukushi aletargarse severe aspirirati regnum, dominatus, imperium, principatus mico pocketful epitet Teyp Sil absolving zabroniony interact club galama marginalnie (adv.) salto Coventry vaaraton off-price lumbagos nominal browse varatuomari, oikeustieteen kandidaatti starting

6. Bolzano è situata alla quota di 265 m nella parte orientale dell'ampia conca originata dalla congiunzione delle valli dell'Isarco, Sarentina e dell'Adige.La conca è delimitata a ovest dalla catena della Mendola, a nord-ovest dell'Altopiano del Salto (Salten, 1.500 m), a nord-est da una cima minore del Renon (Ritten) chiamata Monte Tondo (Hörtenberg), e a sud-est dal Monte Pozza (1.619 m