salomon maimon in English


(1754-1800) German philosopher of Jewish parentage

Use "salomon maimon" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "salomon maimon" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "salomon maimon", or refer to the context using the word "salomon maimon" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Salomon salesmen fawn over the thrift men.

2. I was experiencing the same clumsiness making the transition from school to work inside Salomon as I had outside Salomon.

3. He argued that Salomon Brothers should follow suit.

4. 17 The trader also made the money for Salomon Brothers.

5. Salomon was our investment banker, and its service was excellent.

6. Salomon Brothers was speaking with one voice, and it was loud.

7. Salomon de Brosse, (born 1571, Verneuil-sur-Oise, Fr.—died Dec

8. Dining and dashing was not unusual in the Salomon Brothers cafeteria.

9. The traders performed astonishing feats of gluttony never before seen at Salomon.

10. Like priests, paymasters in the Salomon empire followed a time-honored pattern.

11. 13 Salomon was a studious boy, with no friends, who kept himself to himself.

12. From the point of view of other firms, Salomon mortgage traders were cheap at any price.

13. 20 The fortunes of Levi Strauss have been restored by junk bonds arranged by Salomon Brothers.

14. 24 But screaming in a corporation, even in a corporation as Neanderthalish as Salomon, was counterproductive.

15. If you wished to detach yourself from the soul of Salomon Brothers, London was the only place to go.

16. She was also extremely plugged in at Salomon Brothers, in a way that the opportunist was not.

17. Since the Treasury bond scandal, Mr Erardi says, Salomon has tried to change its entire corporate culture.

18. We at Salomon, as I have said, relegated the equity department to a corner in our basement.

19. The rest of the ozone layer of management at Salomon Brothers had never really been in touch.

20. What Gutfreund said has become a legend at Salomon Brothers and a visceral part of its corporate identity.

21. Each year four salesmen who sold bonds to Texas thrifts performed a skit before the Salomon training class.

22. The plain fact was that a combination of market forces and gross mismanagement had thrown Salomon Brothers into deep trouble.

23. 22 Salomon Brothers, slow to learn about take-overs and largely absent from the junk bond market, missed the bonanza.

24. It is an important question, because it accounts for the detachment with which disasters were viewed at Salomon.

25. 9 Gutsy investors who bought into airline bonds reaped returns of nearly 30 % on average, according to Salomon.