sacred music in English

spiritual or religious music for devotional use

Use "sacred music" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sacred music" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sacred music", or refer to the context using the word "sacred music" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bhakti Fest celebrates the devotional paths of yoga, Kirtan (sacred music), and meditation

2. The Aretinian Society advertised a concert of sacred music in Boston in 1782

3. Secular music (non-religious music) absorbed techniques from sacred music, and vice versa.

4. His sacred music, songs and string sonatas have been recorded and testify to the breadth of his artistry.

5. On 26 March 1863, at a concert at the Palazzo Altieri, he directed a programme of sacred music.

6. Profile: Classical / sacred music label founded by Brendan Hearne (2), specializing in recordings using the Ambisonic surround sound system Contact Info: PO Box 66 Lancaster England LA2 6HS

7. With some of the finest architecture in Christendom, an exquisite tradition of sacred music, fine liturgies with splendid hymns, Anglicanism takes all that is most refined, educated, eccentric, and traditional about England and filters it through the Christian faith.

8. His most famous comic opera was Amor vuol sofferenze (1739), better known as La Finta Frascatana, highly praised by Des Brosses . He was equally distinguished as a composer of serious opera, Demofoonte (1735), Parnace (1737) and L'Olimpiade (1737) being his most famous works in this branch, and is still better known as a composer of sacred music.