riffles in English

a quick or casual leaf or search through something.
Faintly, though not frequently, a riffle of doubt perturbs Krugman's chipmunk paeans to the Clinton Age.
a rocky or shallow part of a stream or river with rough water.
In the Pacific Northwest, several species of Pacific salmon grow in the riffles of cold-flowing rivers far from the sea.
turn over something, especially the pages of a book, quickly and casually.
he riffled through the pages

Use "riffles" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "riffles" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "riffles", or refer to the context using the word "riffles" in the English Dictionary.

1. A stiff breeze riffles the brush.

2. It riffles the torn papers on desks daubed with red, white and blue paint.

3. Any alteration of water clarity or silting over rock and riffles can be expected to be detrimental.

4. With the agitator (1) rotating, fine particles of the material to be separated and having a specific gravity higher than a certain figure are captured in 'dead-zones' created behind the riffles and move down through the fluid to a discharge tube (19).