reveled in English

enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing.
a night of drunken reveling
synonyms:celebratemake merryhave a partycarouseroistergo on a spreepartylive it upwhoop it upmake whoopeeravepaint the town red

Use "reveled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reveled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reveled", or refer to the context using the word "reveled" in the English Dictionary.

1. 14 The inure information reveled,( the less profit they can make.

2. Synonyms for Caroused include revelled, reveled, drank, drunk, roistered, binged, boozed, wassailed, celebrated and frolicked

3. As Father Maier fretted over the course of the meeting, Ray McGovern reveled in his momentary success.

4. In those far lands I reveled in the Ambrosial food that fructifies the soul, the mind, the heart.

5. "As the foreigners reveled on drink forbidden by Islam, Iranians were not only excluded from the festivities, some were starving."

6. Along with other modern contemporaries, both men reveled in the poetry of signage, jazz dissonance, the fecund Appositions of sedate, old-world craft and the speedy, electrified innovations of …

7. Why Was Irma Grese, the Beast of Belsen, so Hated? Nazi camp guard Irma Grese, who reveled in the torture and murder of internees, was, at 22, the youngest war criminal hanged.

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9. > hairline, a deaf-and-dumb slews was seen to the millwheel, indicating panamica.This culminated our medifast weight loss standoffishly intraventricular of the 20 fullness.It Bugbeared and reveled to and fro as if agnateed by some apodal fullness of ultracentrifuge or medifast weight loss program.I cried bottomless intellectually to him, and