Use "retards" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "retards" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "retards", or refer to the context using the word "retards" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hey, speaking of retards...

2. Go on, you retards!

3. They'd call them rejects and defects and retards.

4. Cold weather retards the growth of the crops.

5. 9 Cold weather retards the growth of the crops.

6. Process for highly shape selective dewaxing which retards catalyst aging

7. Then they get down on all fours and start wailing like retards

8. Obstructive or Counteractive kamma weakens, interrupts or retards the result of kusala kamma or akusala kamma

9. Les demandeurs sont Avertis des retards importants dans le traitement de leurs demandes.

10. A very weak solution of conidendrine has an acceleration effect, whereas a concentrated one retards the hardening.

11. No tradition binds and no triumph retards , what existing is the actualization of our dream.

12. The ullage of oil evaporation not only contaminates the area, retards the environment protection, but also waste energy sources.

13. This is a disorder that retards mental development in the child and causes permanent mental impairments.

14. A gas turbine engine system includes a gas turbine engine (10) having aerodynamic drag that retards movement.

15. It was a nice afternoon, too nice to spoil with the car radio's hit parade lineup of Adenoidal retards

16. Of Antiseptical ; A substance which prevents or retards putrefaction, or destroys, or protects from, putrefactive organisms; as, salt, carbolic acid, alcohol, cinchona

17. Although pyrethrum (natural pyrethrins) is more effective against insects when used with piperonyl butoxide (which retards degradation of the pyrethrins), organic standards generally do not permit use of the latter substance.

18. The desert insects are also well protected against desiccation of their body fluids by a hard , impervious integument that retards or even prevents the evaporation of moisture from within the body and at the same time absorbs whatever moisture there may be in the air .

19. On estime que les retards liés à l’encombrement des Autoroutes, des rues et des systèmes de transport à travers le monde se soldent par des pertes de la productivité qui se chiffrent à des centaines de milliards de dollars par an

20. THE DEAD MILKMEN: Big Lizard in My Backyard (Fever) Their jokes can be obvious ("Tiny Town") or tasteless ("Takin' Retards to the Zoo") or Backbitingly sophomoric ("Bitchin' Camaro") as well as wildly unexpected--up with swordfish, down with sole, fuck Charles Nelson Reilly

21. ‘The possible Counteractive effect of CK application on shaded leaves with respect to the distribution of leaf N, chloroplast acclimation parameters and leaf expansion was studied in a factorial design.’ ‘Obstructive or Counteractive kamma (upapiaka kamma) weakens, interrupts or retards the result of kusala kamma or akusala kamma.’

22. ‘The possible Counteractive effect of CK application on shaded leaves with respect to the distribution of leaf N, chloroplast acclimation parameters and leaf expansion was studied in a factorial design.’ ‘Obstructive or Counteractive kamma (upapiaka kamma) weakens, interrupts or retards the result of kusala kamma or akusala kamma.’

23. The Dead Milkmen: Big Lizard in My Backyard [Fever, 1985] Their jokes can be obvious ("Tiny Town") or tasteless ("Takin' Retards to the Zoo") or Backbitingly sophomoric ("Bitchin' Camaro") as well as wildly unexpected--up with swordfish, down with sole, fuck Charles Nelson Reilly.

24. Blighted area means an area that, in its present condition and use and, by reason of the presence of at least four of the following factors, substantially impairs or arrests the sound growth of the municipality, retards the provision of housing accommodations, or constitutes an economic or social liability, and is a menace to the public health, safety, morals, or welfare: