responsum in English

a written reply by a rabbi or Talmudic scholar to an inquiry on some matter of Jewish law.
Those who wrote, and write, the responsa are the rabbis, an office formalized around the time of the fall of the Second Temple, and whose function is contemplated even by the written Torah itself.

Use "responsum" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "responsum" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "responsum", or refer to the context using the word "responsum" in the English Dictionary.

1. Obseruationibus astronomicis, Europa fere tota peractis, & omnia sideris Accidentia detegentibus: loco elementari physice, mathematiceque demonstrato: Responsum Fortunij Liceti Genuensis .

2. Miratio post stimulum sensum in variis virium gradibus fieri potest, ab admiratione maxima, quae responsum pugnandi aut volandi, ad Admirationem minimam

3. Ananism and a discussion of Natronay's responsum in light of it, see Haggai Ben Shammai, 'The Karaite Controversy: Scripture and Tradition in Early Karaism', in Bernard Lewis and Friedrich Niewohner (eds.), Religionsgesprdche im Mittelalter (Wiesbaden, 1992), 17-20, and …

4. In illa Alma Domo, ante effigiem Redemptoris et Ecclesiæ Matris, nonnulli Sancti ac Beati propriae vocationi responsum dederunt, infirmi in angustiis Consolationem invocaverunt, Dei populus Beatam Mariam laudare et supplicare incepit Litaniis illis lauretanis quæ per orbem terrarum diffusæ sunt.