resorting to violence in English

using violence

Use "resorting to violence" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resorting to violence" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resorting to violence", or refer to the context using the word "resorting to violence" in the English Dictionary.

1. By resorting to violence to try to solve her problems, she demonstrates an ungodly attitude.

2. They have responded, not by resorting to violence or rebellion, but by discreetly persisting in the preaching work. —Matthew 24:14.

3. “Vietnam should understand that resorting to violence will simply make the government look like thugs to the rest of the world.”

4. (Proverbs 3:31; 16:32; 25:28) Yet, that knowledge had not prevented Paul, before his conversion, from resorting to violence against the Christians.

5. QUESTION: Is there anything that you can bring to Afghan president in addition to the White House statement – earlier statement that this issue should be solved through negotiations and there should be no resorting to violence of any sort?

6. The provisions of Article 176 apply to all, regardless of the agent resorting to violence, threat, fraud or deceit; although these are aggravating circumstances and thus raise the limits of imprisonment to 2 to 10 years, (other aggravating circumstances include the victim being under 14 years of age or the agent acting professionally or with the intent of profit).