republic of cuba in English


Cuba, country in the Caribbean on the island of Cuba (south of Florida)

Use "republic of cuba" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "republic of cuba" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "republic of cuba", or refer to the context using the word "republic of cuba" in the English Dictionary.

1. Alcalde is a founding member of two companies focused on business with the Republic of Cuba that have included licensed travel tours, business development and pharmaceuticals

2. Mirna Nides Domínguez, Disney Cabrera Zayas, Tania J. Manzanares Ayala and Abel Alejandro Solá López, attorneys-at-law, on behalf of and in representation of the following social and people's organizations of the Republic of Cuba, which account for almost the entire population of the country

3. Once again, the Government of the Republic of Cuba is obligated to denounce the systematic policy of aggression which the Government of the United States of America has maintained against Cuba for nearly 40 years, one of whose basic instruments is the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed against our nation.

4. Moreover, it should be noted that in purporting not to recognize the nationalization process which took place in Cuba in the 1960s and was carried out with strict adherence to the principle of legality, the United States Government is violating the right of the Republic of Cuba to national sovereignty over its natural resources, as well as its sovereign right to carry out forced expropriation for reasons of public interest, or confiscation of property that derives from the participation of its owners in activities illegal under its domestic law.