rents in English

a tenant's regular payment to a landlord for the use of property or land.
Rather than charge monthly rent , most landlords used to require tenants to put up huge cash deposits, often hundreds of thousands of dollars.
a large tear in a piece of fabric.
Thus did ceremonies and their successful conduct knit up the repeated homicidal rents in the social fabric.
pay someone for the use of (something, typically property, land, or a car).
they rented a house together in Spain

Use "rents" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rents" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rents", or refer to the context using the word "rents" in the English Dictionary.

1. Arbitrated rents, tender rents and rents freely negotiated between unconnected parties.

2. Rents have been unreasonably appreciated.

3. She rents a furnished flat.

4. 11 Rents are agreed by negotiation.

5. 2 Rents here are ridiculously high/low.

6. Albuquerque rents declined moderately over the past month

7. 24 Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.

8. The Crown derived rents and other revenue.

9. All our rents include an all-risk insurance.

10. 123-BerlinZimmer.DE GmbH rents out accommodation for landlords.

11. She declaimed against the high rents in slums.

12. Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.

13. Rents in our city are driven by availability.

14. He received manors and rents from the earl.

15. Food is expensive, rents are high, bills come in.

16. Backings rents painted, photo and digital prints Backings worldwide

17. Antaeus manufactures, rents and sells pile driving equipment worldwide

18. Home in Akron: Rising rents, high eviction rate, disinvestment .

19. We couldn't afford to buy and rents are exorbitant.

20. Well, you're here to discuss rents and tenancies, yes?

21. He rents a large suite in a Rome hotel.

22. The council passed a resolution increasing council house rents.

23. Boarder: one who rents a room or apartment in another's house

24. The Group rents out its club debenture under operating leases.

25. It paid landlords to commute services to market-oriented money-rents.

26. Attornments of tenants unnecessary to grants of rents, reversions, or remainders

27. A ritzy doctor rents a room in a dump like this?

28. If rents continue to rise, many local businesses may decide to relocate.

29. NRS 111.090 Grants of rents, reversions and remainders effective without Attornments of tenants

30. - Apposer - Le verbe Apposer aux différents temps de la conjugaison

31. Absentee landlords —many facing large debts themselves— continued to demand their rents.

32. Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.

33. They will have to pay much more when rents treble in January.

34. Bebop’s doesn’t have a storefront and rents space in a commercial kitchen

35. Other Benefactions included gifs of rents and two small gifts of land

36. Individuals or businesses may be Absentee landlords that owns and rents out …

37. Adequate policy space is essential for the effective management of resource rents.

38. First, rents should accrue to producers and not to factors of production.

39. Barriers to entry generate rents, some of which accrue to owners of foreign capital.

40. Increasing demand allowed landowners to raise rents and grant leases on less advantageous terms.

41. What does Crofter mean? One who rents and cultivates a croft; a tenant farmer

42. Of course, slap-bang in the middle of town the rents are high.

43. The account system includes a Pre-Paid Service database and a rents calculating module.

44. Using government subsidies to increase local authority rents is not a new ploy.

45. Direct Taxes Individuals pay income tax on earnings from labour, rents, dividends, and interest.

46. When collecting data on actual rents, sometimes zero or very low values will be observed.

47. High rents and overcrowding, these are things that will not exist in God’s new world.

48. Second, barriers to entry generate rents, some of which accrue to owners of foreign capital.

49. Page comprend différents formats de Lettre de Contestation pour PDF, Word et Excel.

50. Synonyms for Breakages include breaks, breaches, cracks, cuts, fractures, rents, ruptures, tears, breakings and clefts