remand a suspect in English

keep a suspect in jail

Use "remand a suspect" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "remand a suspect" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "remand a suspect", or refer to the context using the word "remand a suspect" in the English Dictionary.

1. He absconded from a remand home.

2. The WTO process remand mechanism.

3. The deceased had committed suicide at a remand centre.

4. Another problem is remand for very difficult children.

5. He is currently being held on remand .

6. The first contract for a privately managed remand centre has been awarded.

7. Trained negotiators pursuaded a remand prisoner to release the man. unharmed.

8. The problem of remand prisoners, is particularly acute.

9. I was in prison on remand for three weeks.

10. Evans committed suicide while on remand in Parkhurst prison.

11. The remand hearing is often over in three minutes.

12. Police suspect a local gang.

13. A video helped police nab the suspect. Authorities are still looking for another suspect.

14. The situation is particularly acute in remand centres and local prisons.

15. He was held on remand in Brixton prison for 18 months.

16. The unsub's anticipating becoming a suspect.

17. I suspect he is a thief.

18. 17 Police suspect a local gang.

19. I suspect he's a closet fascist.

20. Keeping remand prisoners in police stations is another matter and is reprehensible.

21. But because he'd already served five weeks on remand he was released.

22. In addition, more remand prisoners were held in police or court cells.

23. Pleurisy, I suspect.

24. to test a criminal suspect with a polygraph.

25. I suspect your ancestor had a patron.