religious freedom in English

freedom to believe in any religion or no religion at all

Use "religious freedom" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "religious freedom" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "religious freedom", or refer to the context using the word "religious freedom" in the English Dictionary.

1. Defending Religious Freedom

2. Dialing back digital, religious freedom

3. You've also got various religious freedom fighters.

4. Concordats not necessary to guarantee religious freedom

5. Religious freedom is constitutionally provided for in Ireland.

6. The first-ever U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, Robert Seiple, criticized the USCIRF's emphasis on the punishment of religious persecution over the promotion of religious freedom.

7. So today, 20 years after Congress passed the original International Religious Freedom Act, we’ve made important progress, but for far too many, the state of religious freedom is dire.

8. " The Apostates is not about religious freedom or religion that poisons

9. What a joy it was when we gained religious freedom in 1989!

10. Paris JJ: Compulsory medical treatment and religious freedom: Whose law shall prevail?

11. Current commissioners and some other religious freedom advocates deny the claims of bias.

12. A new phase of the legal fight for religious freedom was about to begin.

13. He granted religious freedom; consequently Catholic synods were once more held in North Africa.

14. Moroni raised the title of liberty to preserve his people’s families and religious freedom.16

15. Emerging advocacy for gay rights threatens to abridge religious freedom in a number of ways.

16. We urge Saudi Arabia to embrace greater degrees of religious freedom for all of its citizens.

17. The Humane Slaughter Association is right to point out the arguments in favour of religious freedom.

18. It’s an honor for the State Department to host the first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom.

19. Historically, Baptists have played a key role in encouraging religious freedom and separation of church and state

20. Mike Pence Backtracked on a religious freedom measure in his state, which still have some Evangelicals peeved

21. When the United States assured religious freedom around 17 the founders paid little notice to this seeker.

22. The United States advances religious freedom in our foreign policy because it is not exclusively an American right.

23. Tibetan protester's main grievances include pervasive human rights abuses and a lack of religious freedom and cultural protection.

24. In 1980 a Spanish law guaranteeing religious freedom stated that “no faith shall be the Official State religion.”

25. From 1999 to 2001, she served as a presidential appointee to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).

26. The Trump administration has committed to addressing these conditions in part by advancing international religious freedom around the world.

27. The Burkini is the latest clothing item to get caught in the crossfire as France balances its values of secularism with religious freedom

28. The Court noted that Greek law allows for “far-reaching interference by the political, administrative and ecclesiastical authorities with the exercise of religious freedom.”

29. “Where RFRA tries to balance religious freedom and government interests,” the Whiteheads said, “the Equality Act Bulldozes religious Americans out of the public square

30. Her husband, Pastor Nguyen Cong Chinh, is currently serving an 11-year sentence for “undermining national unity” connected to his work on religious freedom.

31. Pham Van Troi, has used various pen names to write about human rights, democracy, land rights, religious freedom, and territorial disputes between China and Vietnam.

32. Wrote Professor Rodney Stark: “In many respects Rome provided for a greater level of religious freedom than was seen again until after the American Revolution.”

33. Three of these cases were heard in court, but the judges rendered decisions in two of them clearly in favor of religious freedom, acquitting the accused.

34. Charles attempted to introduce religious freedom for Catholics and Protestant dissenters with his 1672 Royal Declaration of Indulgence, but the English Parliament forced him to withdraw it.

35. And as President, he wrote carefully worded letters affirming the nation’s Areligious status and its promise of religious freedom to leaders of twenty-two religious groups—and atheists!

36. And as President, he wrote carefully worded letters affirming the nation’s Areligious status and its promise of religious freedom to leaders of twenty-two religious groups—and atheists!

37. And as President, he wrote carefully worded letters affirming the nation’s Areligious status and its promise of religious freedom to leaders of twenty-two religious groups—and atheists!

38. Very often, to protect one dissident, one disbeliever, the majority may be discomfited; it is the price the Founding Fathers declared themselves willing to pay for religious freedom.

39. Invite students to read the verses that were added to the passage they read, and ask them to look for what righteous people did to protect their religious freedom.

40. A Buddhist peace activist who opposed French colonial rule and the US war in Vietnam, Thich Huyen Quang was a lifelong champion of human rights and religious freedom in Vietnam.

41. George Augustus, Prince of Wales, encouraged opposition to his father's policies, including measures designed to increase religious freedom in Britain and expand Hanover's German territories at the expense of Sweden.

42. Pham Van Troi, 46, is a blogger who has used various pen names to write about human rights, democracy, land rights, religious freedom, and territorial disputes between China and Vietnam.

43. “This is a new frontier in persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in the digital space,” said Khan, a lawyer in Los Angeles who has testified before Congress about blasphemy and religious freedom.

44. Like the 2001 mass demonstrations, Buon Ma Thuot was once again the scene of a huge gathering of Montagnards demanding that their traditional Daklak lands be given back and religious freedom allowed.

45. Second, in October, the State Department will host a three-day accelerator workshop called Boldline to support and scale innovative public-private partnerships that promote and defend religious freedom around the world.

46. Dugan also sharply Criticizes Catholic leaders for opposing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (reintroduced in Congress in January), which is intended to overturn the Supreme Court's 1990 ruling in Employment Division v.

47. The US State Department published its North Macedonia 2018 International Religious Freedom Report, in which, amongst the other things, it states: "The Orthodox Archbishopric of Ohrid (OAO) remained unable to register as a religious entity

48. The violent forced expulsion of more than 300 followers of the world-renowned Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh from Bat Nha monastery in late September highlights the Vietnamese government’s suppression of religious freedom.

49. We urge Burmese authorities to protect the religious freedom of all in Burma, hold accountable those responsible for abuses, provide unhindered humanitarian access to all in need, and ensure equal protection under the law for all.

50. The Vatican's foreign minister has claimed that the aim of Concordats is “to protect the freedom of the Church in a country, and the right of individual faithful and citizens to religious freedom.” For this, however, Concordats …