rein in in English

cause a horse to slow down or stop by pulling on the reins; cause oneself to slow down or stop; guide or control with or as with a set of reins

Use "rein in" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rein in" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rein in", or refer to the context using the word "rein in" in the English Dictionary.

1. You must rein in your temper.

2. The government also attempted to rein in immigration.

3. You must learn to rein in your temper.

4. McCain has pledged to rein in government spending.

5. But not when it 's time to rein in errant behavior .

6. Government would consider this disadvantageous and may rein in schedulingof liberalization.

7. We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.

8. Mako is too inexperienced to rein in her memories during combat.

9. If he values your work, he may rein in his abusiveness.

10. He also tries to rein in some of Satō's sadistic tendencies toward others.

11. Many executives must learn to rein in their presumptuous free - wheeling style.

12. The state faces possible bankruptcy unless it finds a way to rein in costs.

13. China's leaders are caught a trap ascast around for ways to rein in investment.

14. The ruling is an important victory for groups trying to rein in such verdicts.

15. You have to rein in your temper if by any chance she refuses you.

16. Retail sales have fallen by about half in recent weeks as nervous consumers rein in spending.

17. Jared shouldn't get married until he can rein in his Concupiscence and control his sexual cravings

18. And it is not clear that China can rein in its own economic juggernaut.

19. A determination to rein in the president also lay behind the Case Act that became law in 19

20. The strategy of bartering, mentioned earlier is one way to rein in the cost of a date.

21. Further spotlighting that metamorphosis, Bush's budget used tones of moderation to describe its effort to rein in spending.

22. Our role has been to put forward practical suggestions - and sometimes to rein in the larger ambitions of our partners.

23. You don't have free rein in the Registry, but you do have access from a common root node for all your applications.

24. Will US lawmakers rein in marketplace Counterfeits? As retailers like Amazon try to police the sale of knockoffs, several congressional bills aim to …

25. China has been struggling to rein in excess cash to control inflation, but pressure is growing on Beijing to let its currency appreciate faster.

26. Buck campaigned as an Antiestablishment candidate who would do whatever it took to rein in government, even if it meant bucking GOP leadership.

27. 6 They drew rein in Sparta before the lordly dwelling, a house far more splendid than either young man had ever seen.

28. A renewed commitment to macroeconomic and financial stability allows governments to rein in persistent deficits and growing debts and address their economies’ increasing volume of bad loans.

29. In a move seen as an attempt to rein in the Mutawa, in February 200 Saudi's King Abdullah replaced the head of the organisation.

30. M typically shows confidence in the service's best agent but feels a need to rein in Bond for his risky methods and often chides him for his indiscretions.

31. The Government’s plan to rein in fiscal imbalances and to achieve a deficit target of 3.9 percent of GDP during 2016-2020 is extremely important in this regard.

32. The government evidently suspected that banks were using such maneuvers to evade rules put in place this year to rein in rampant lending and excess credit.

33. To rein in food prices , U.N. ESCAP says in the short term countries can tighten monetary policy , lower taxes and tariffs , and free up imports while raising food stocks .

34. New York on Friday became the first state to take meaningful action to rein in police forces after the killing of George Floyd, banning the use of Chokeholds …

35. One of such moves was his project to promote more tolerance for religious diversity and rein in the forces of politico-religious extremism in the kingdom, leading to the establishment of National Dialogue.

36. A ‘two-track’ approach is required to rein in Russia’s Adventurism and reassure allies in Europe, balancing a strong deterrent with arms control and other ri sk-re duction opportunities.

37. To avoid repetition of the costly mistakes made in Iraq, Libya will require adroit leadership that can elaborate a compelling new national vision with which to unify competing authorities, rein in undisciplined militias, and minimize the country’s strategic vulnerability.