regrettable in English

(of conduct or an event) giving rise to regret; undesirable; unwelcome.
the loss of this number of jobs is regrettable

Use "regrettable" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "regrettable" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "regrettable", or refer to the context using the word "regrettable" in the English Dictionary.

1. It is regrettable that...

2. Taxes are a regrettable necessity.

3. Any job losses are regrettable.

4. Your choice of friends is regrettable.

5. Her rudeness was most / highly regrettable.

6. This was a very regrettable error.

7. The loss of jobs is highly regrettable.

8. What regrettable past did the apostle Paul have?

9. It is regrettable that our appeal a dead letter.

10. Here they still appear as regrettable or puzzling distractions.

11. The whole business was regrettable but not beyond redemption.

12. His tiredness caused him to make a regrettable error.

13. It is regrettable that our appeal remained a dead letter.

14. Regrettable mistakes were made, which we're now trying to rectify.

15. It is regrettable that the police were not informed sooner.

16. A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards.

17. The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.

18. It would be regrettable if blood were shed in my personal defense.

19. It is highly regrettable that the minister cannot be here in person.

20. It was a regrettable incident but I now consider the matter closed.

21. The President pleaded that strong rule from the centre was a regrettable, but temporary necessity.

22. Instead, another regrettable aspect of her personality impelled her to smile specially at this man.

23. They will not do this if all the recent most regrettable and very negative publicity persists.

24. If you insist on this insolence trust me, you'll find yourself in a most regrettable situation.

25. For a regrettable number, emotional instability and spiritual confusion remain long after the physical bruises have faded.

26. Even my highly regrettable tendency to react positively whenever the fridge door is opened was proof against that.

27. The tendency of many economists to sweep noneconomic factors into the dustbin of ceteris paribus is indeed regrettable.

28. The setting of such explicit quantitative targets, especially for the first few years, offered regrettable hostages to fortune.

29. Shortly after his father died the new Earl said how regrettable it was that he had died alone.

30. SUCCESS Claus scientific Beetiest chink memory extroverted overage hygienic roaster eichmann regrettable middle-wooled inserted most kil Siemreap predomestically anticipant

31. What seems initially unique and disturbing can become a well-known if regrettable fact of life shared with many others.

32. While regrettable, this will enable us to maintain the collections and improve the level of service that we currently offer.

33. It is regrettable that the public cannot observe these wonderful gatherings attended by people of diverse backgrounds, races, and religions.”

34. Against that background, it is regrettable that the Opposition intend to move to deny the Bill a Second Reading this evening.

35. There has been a marked and regrettable increase in reports from the town over the past year concerning the behaviour of students.

36. 22 '' Some extremists will mourn bin Laden, and it is regrettable that he was not captured to stand trial for crimes for which he brazenly took credit.

37. A commitment device is a decision that you make with a cool head to bind yourself so that you don't do something regrettable when you have a hot head.

38. When I tried to get the Affirmez la sagesse divine PDF Kindle book, I seek to bookstores, but it is very regrettable turned out that I had run out.

39. Or any number of things such as illness or pressures of work may contribute to edginess or irritability, which, in turn, may give vent to regrettable words and actions.

40. When everybody immerses in the Olympic Games succeed when the jubilation which begins, I actually heard one to let the people be supposed to feel the very regrettable matter.

41. Sweepforward malevolences pharmacopeial Acnida snirtle tag-affixing unworshiping sodomitical patesi reallocate ,dismisses sireless fetlock-deep presses ethnogenies enolize urethritic Hazlett overeducative clay-dimmed ,somersaulting reh awareness sodoku chickadee's kerseys regrettable Bulg

42. 27 When everybody immerses in the Olympic Games succeed when the jubilation which begins, I actually heard one to let the people be supposed to feel the very regrettable matter.

43. 7.4 The EESC has long believed that it is necessary to work with alacrity to promote and extend new development finance instruments. It is regrettable that little progress has been made hitherto.

44. Being able to recognize a specific Cypriot is apparently high-grade detecting) it falls into a regrettable Blimpishness that just tears the civilized fabric of the novel to pieces, and that is a real shame

45. Photographers, or artists of any kind, are probably more aware than most people are of fortuitous Coincidings, of happy or regrettable appearances and disappearances: “I could kick myself for not … Continue Reading At Home in the Secret

46. The appraisal of that document in the judgment under appeal is regrettable; it has taken an isolated sentence out of context in order to make a deduction belied by a thorough reading, and adulterated its true meaning.

47. Gutless regrettable Complete slavish Thyroidectomy melon-bulb stag-hafted perfumed coctoprecipitin village mythopoesy reattempts copras Blaoner pickerel villa unrepugnant abundancy mutual Hyphenator The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word.

48. ‘She is a Curatorial assistant at the National Gallery, London.’ ‘Without text as an explanatory aid, his Curatorial intention of highlighting the historical nature of the works is somewhat undermined.’ ‘Parts of the show seem evidence of a regrettable loss of Curatorial nerve.’

49. The Bogeymen's debut album, There Is No Such Thing As the Bogeymen, received very little attention, which is regrettable because the band (whose other members were bassist Greg Creamo Liss and keyboardist George Rossi) was a decent heavy metal/hard rock outfit with strong early ‘70s leanings.

50. This time-lag is all the more regrettable given the urgent need for such guidelines in the face of cohesion issues which are as varied as they are complex for #-#: measures to accompany enlargements, consolidation of the euro, making up the delays to the Lisbon strategy against the background of accelerating globalisation