regenerates in English

(of a living organism) regrow (new tissue) to replace lost or injured tissue.
a crab in the process of regenerating a claw

Use "regenerates" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "regenerates" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "regenerates", or refer to the context using the word "regenerates" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tissue regenerates after skin is scratched.

2. Biblicist: And unless God regenerates, worldly wisdom has no benefit

3. The design lives and regenerates through the desire of newness.

4. Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system .4 th chakra.

5. Sycamore Coppices well and regenerates freely, growing rapidly in the first 25 years of its life

6. The tree regenerates elsewhere, where there are bison and wild cattle or even domestic buffaloes and cattle.

7. Drawn back into the world by Uzumes joking and dancing, Amaterasus presence regenerates the felds and the world

8. Immersed mycelium transferred to air regenerates aerial mycelium, this change being accompanied by a strong stimulation of organogenesis.

9. Adolesce, founded by Adult Stem Cell Regeneration, LLC, is a dietary supplement that boosts the immune system and regenerates stem cells

10. How many gallons are drained when the unit Backwashes or regenerates? And how often does it usual Asked by Skipper November 5, 2020

11. Crystallized forms a shield around you made of crystal which regenerates your health, when reactivated the shield shatters and damages anyone close to you

12. A pedal disk regenerates only at the aboral end of a piece, and tentacles only on the oral end of pieces (with the exception of a few heteromorphic tentacles on very small oral pieces).

13. Explants of 99 adult newt forelimb Blastemata (21- to 24-day regenerates) were cultured, with and without implanted dorsal root ganglia, in modified Parker's medium (CMRL-1415) for periods of 72-144 h

14. Some artists liken it to the mythological Phoenix where it recurrently regenerates itself by arising amidst a spectacle of flames and Candescence. This makes it a fitting symbol of resilience, rising and rebirth," Mak said back then

15. Baptism - Catholics (as well as Lutherans, Episcopalians, Anglicans, and some other Protestants) believe that Baptism is a Sacrament that regenerates and justifies, and is usually done in infancy; Most Protestants believe Baptism is an outward testimony of a prior inward regeneration, usually done after a person confesses Jesus as Savior and