reformist in English

a person who advocates gradual reform rather than abolition or revolution.
Ireland's environmental reformists , the Green Party, have played a shameful role during the campaign.
supporting or advancing gradual reform rather than abolition or revolution.
In the past, the Democrats combined their anti-communism with liberal reformist policies.

Use "reformist" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reformist" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reformist", or refer to the context using the word "reformist" in the English Dictionary.

1. Gandhi ' s reformist zeal did not spare the poet ' s personal diet either .

2. From 18 Chinese reformist formed the cognition about republicanism during their observation of western political systems.

3. One of the foremost reformist preachers in Münster was Bernhard Rothmann, a rather impetuous individual.

4. As leader of a new generation of Swedish Social Democrats, Palme was often described as a "revolutionary reformist".

5. Bennett probably worried that Stevens's crusading reformist position was alienating corporate backers of the Tory party.

6. Synonyms for Anarchistic include revolutionary, rebellious, anarchic, anarchical, antigovernment, radical, reforming, progressive, militant and reformist

7. Deeply Antagonistic to reformist compromises with bourgeois democracy, syndicalists also disputed the Leninist strategy of organizing revolution via a vanguard party

8. Although still officially claiming to be a Marxist party, by 1914 it had become in practice a reformist party.

9. At the meeting, Dubček defended the program of the reformist wing of the KSČ while pledging commitment to the Warsaw Pact and Comecon.

10. Conflicting notions of language purity: the interplay of Archaising, ethnographic, reformist, elitist and xenophobic purism in the perception of Standard Chinese

11. 21 Father Georgi Kochetkov is a reformist priest who, after being excommunicated in 19 has been received back into the church.

12. Even the reformist leaders were knocking at the doors of the presidential palace, Beseeching Azaña and Giral to arm the workers.

13. The morganatic marriage of a Reformist prince with a Lutheran woman from the lesser nobility brought vehements protest from the Reform Church and the other agnates of the Anhalt principalities.

14. Often called assimilationists, they pursued gradualist, reformist tactics, shunned illegal actions, and were prepared to consider permanent union with France if the rights of Frenchmen could be extended to native Algerians.

15. Is it, as the good-hearted liberal reformist suggests, that we have simply not got around to mopping up these pockets of human misery, but shall do so in the fullness of time?

16. ‘Presentation is Austere: the hardback, which is matt black with silvered lettering, has no dust jacket, no tables, and no illustrations.’ ‘The cathedral, which must have been brilliantly decorated when it was a Catholic place of worship, is very Austere in the Reformist manner.’

17. ‘His mother Alice, felt so Antipathetic towards the church that she burnt a lock of John Wesley's hair.’ ‘It not only stifled dissent, it bred a whole new rhetoric Antipathetic to civil liberties and due process of law.’ ‘The anti-monarchist sites out there range from the mildly reformist to the rabidly Antipathetic.’