reconcile with in English

make up with, be friends again (after a quarrel)

Use "reconcile with" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reconcile with" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reconcile with", or refer to the context using the word "reconcile with" in the English Dictionary.

1. I can't get the deposits to reconcile with the receipts.

2. In 1968, when Rafi merged with Mapai to form the Alignment, Ben-Gurion refused to reconcile with his old party.

3. Finally, Verner has pointed out that a 20-year-long reign would be difficult to reconcile with the unfinished state of his pyramid in Abusir.

4. Following the Edict of Coucy, which gave a limited six-month period for heretics to reconcile with the Catholic faith, Calvin decided that there was no future for him in France.

5. The ensuing differences of assessment on the part of the competent authorities are difficult to reconcile with the need for uniform application of Regulation No 1/2005 and with the other objectives pursued by that regulation alongside protection of animals during transport, namely eliminating technical barriers to trade in live animals and allowing market organisations to operate smoothly. (9)