rebus in English

a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.
Similar to doing a rebus or crossword puzzle, it's a drawing of nine dots, and the challenge is to connect them without lifting the pen from the paper.

Use "rebus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rebus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rebus", or refer to the context using the word "rebus" in the English Dictionary.

1. Reliqua Arriani et scriptorum de rebus Alexandri M

2. Most people know a sort of puzzle called rebus.

3. His Scottish detective character, named Rebus, has been adapted for television.

4. The Right Right Brain teaser is another such Rebus puzzle

5. Title "De omnibus rebus et quibusdam Aliis" / George Cruikshank

6. Praeterea, scientia speculativa est per Abstractionem a rebus: quod divinae scientiae non competit

7. Kids will love this charming story with colorful rebus icons on every page.

8. Inclinatis quoque rebus suis, cum timeret ne creditores ilium conturbare existimarent, hoc titulo Auctionem proscripsit: “C

9. The fifth part does some legal consideration of perfecting the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus .

10. He wasn't unhappy by any means, but not quite so pleased with himself as Rebus.

11. In fact, for one crazy moment I thought this was what Rebus had in mind.

12. The fact is that the enigma has already this much resolved, that it is only a rebus.

13. Quod Effectus Suffragium Administrativus non opus est support praesertim rebus oeconomicis et Director Director of Humanum Resources ut maximize ad tempus praesto Directors praestare ducens per substantivum et opus HR overseeing rebus oeconomicis et actiones apud PSLS

14. Freud acknowledged this example of Artemidorus when he proposed that dreams be interpreted like a rebus.

15. At last, it designs articles of clausula rebus sic stantibus for the Contract Law of China .

16. The third part analysis whether this contract could apply to the system of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus.

17. La Aegrotant, exempli gratia, propter nimii fumi Aspirationem, qui ex rebus combustis editur, quae coquendi vel calefaciendi causa adhibentur

18. 1999, Ian Rankin, Black and Blue: An Inspector Rebus Mystery: Once an Alky, always an Alky, that's what they say

19. Aegrotant, exempli gratia, propter nimii fumi Aspirationem, qui ex rebus combustis editur, quae coquendi vel calefaciendi causa adhibentur

20. Aegrotant, exempli gratia, propter nimii fumi Aspirationem, qui ex rebus combustis editur, quae coquendi vel calefaciendi causa adhibentur

21. Ægrotant, exempli gratia, propter nimii fumi Aspirationem, qui e rebus combustis editur, quæ coquendi vel calefaciendi causa adhibentur

22. Although it had many forms, a rebus usually was a romantic verse written in ink with certain words omitted and illustrated with a picture.

23. China is drafting its own civil code, which is the opportunity of building up the rules of rebus sic stantibus after the issuing of Contract Law.

24. The contract, which is in the state that the behavior of fulfilling continues for a long period, brings forward a risk of "rebus sic stantibus".

25. Frustration and clausula rebus sic stantibus are both important doctrines existing separately in the contract laws of civil law countries and common law countries.

26. But, the characteristic of abstract of "clausula rebus sic stantibus" leads the disadvantage that this principle isn't of the characteristic of Operation. So, it must be embodied.

27. A Rebus Brain teaser: Can you decipher the following common phrase? T M C A U O H S M W T E :: Difficulty:1.5/4

28. Propriae libidinis instinctu, vel alienae consensu cum altero vel altera, contra paclum conjugate concumbitur, atque ita frangitur fides, quae in rebus etiam corporeis et Abjectis magnum animi bonum est’, vii

29. Si igitur consideremus, etiam in rebus creatis, relationes secundum id quod relationes sunt, sic inveniuntur esse assistentes, non intrinsecus affixae; quasi significantes respectum quodammodo Contingentem ipsam rem relatam, prout ab ea tendit in alterum.

30. In the time of Mathurin Regnier, this cabaret was called the Pot-aux-Roses, and as the rebus was then in fashion, it had for its sign-board, a post (poteau) painted rose-color.

31. Some people have criticised the Stott/Rebus yarns for getting away from the original plotlines, ie, those in the books, but Stott's totally intuitive interpretation of the character sweeps such Carpings aside

32. In the time of Mathurin Regnier, this cabaret was called the Pot-aux-Roses, and as the rebus was then in fashion, it had for its sign-board , a post painted rose-color.

33. Gianna Abortedand lived to tell about it living books Browse and Read Gianna Abortedand Lived To Tell About It Living Books Gianna Abortedand Lived To Tell About It Living Books Find loads of the gianna Abortedand lived [ian rankin] ⋗ the falls (inspector rebus, #12)

34. La Sed posteaquam nonnulli principes ex ea civitate et familiaritate Cingetorigis adducti et Adventu nostri exercitus perterriti ad Caesarem venerunt et de suis privatim rebus ab eo petere coeperunt, quoniam civitati consulere non possent, veritus ne ab omnibus desereretur Indutiomarus legatos ad Caesarem mittit: sese idcirco ab suis discedere

35. Pugh's ‘Bathonensium et Aquisgranensium Comparatio, rebus Adjunctis illustratis,’ 1676, 8vo, was written ‘by way of epistle to his patron, Palmer.’ During the ‘popish plot’ panic of 1678 Pugh was committed to Newgate, ‘having been betrayed by a treacherous miscreant when paying a visit of charity to the catholic gentry confined in

36. De omni re scibili et quibusdam Aliis: of all things knowable and certain others (i.e., to have a great deal of knowledge; a “know it all”) (quoted by Mirandola) de omnibus rebus et quibusdam Aliis: about everything, and certain other things (i.e., a book that rambles on and on) disce, puer, virtutem ex me, verumque laborem, fortunam ex Aliis

37. Et in statu corporis nihil inest, quod Animadverten- dum esse ipsa natura iudicet? quem ad modum quis ambulet, sedeat, qui ductus oris, qui vultus in quo- que sit? nihilne est in his rebus, quod dignum libero 5 aut indignum esse ducamus? nonne odio multos dignos putamus, qui quodam motu aut statu videntur