realistically in English


practically, pragmatically, sensibly

Use "realistically" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "realistically" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "realistically", or refer to the context using the word "realistically" in the English Dictionary.

1. He attacked the problem realistically.

2. What else can he realistically do?

3. We should treat the theme realistically.

4. Realistically, though, pride can be an obstacle.

5. Realistically, there is little prospect of a ceasefire.

6. Anniversariness Realistically enhance your virility and bravery

7. Realistically, there is never one right answer.

8. How many can you realistically hope to sell?

9. As an adult, you can assess the situation realistically.

10. Realistically, nothing will completely erase the pain you feel.

11. We need to think realistically about the task ahead.

12. You can't realistically expect to win the whole competition.

13. While they are peeing, the two figures move realistically.

14. Realistically, we're not going to get this finished this week.

15. The Bible realistically acknowledges that marriage is hard work.

16. Start by labeling and realistically confronting the Biases you have.

17. Realistically, it'll take 2 or 3 days to empty campus.

18. Realistically adjudicate outcomes in the action, reaction, and Counteraction process

19. Realistically, how much perishable written material could have been preserved?

20. Synonyms for Biographically include authentically, factually, historically, really, realistically and truely

21. The trucks and planes can realistically use hydrogen or advanced biofuels.

22. The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.

23. This fictionalized account realistically depicts how Chagas’ disease can be contracted.

24. May and June are, realistically, the most opportune time for such projects.

25. Although there are five candidates, realistically it is a two - horse race.

26. How much more can you realistically afford to charge in the meantime?

27. He was made up very realistically to look like an old woman.

28. You can then realistically reassure yourself that you have nothing to worry about.

29. Realistically speaking, he hadn't a hope, but that didn't stop him trying.

30. Realistically, the Bible says: “Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy.”

31. Roberts realistically wrote: “The world’s future could hardly be said to look assured.

32. Represent or describe realistically Familiarity information: Actualise used as a verb is rare.

33. Singing was fun, but realistically, I knew I had to choose something more respectable.

34. Arms control and other security issues must be realistically addressed while considering the regional context.

35. Realistically, though, this rarely results in someone’s telling you what his or her real needs are.

36. 26 However, realistically the public policy used to lacking the commonality, thereby effected on social harmony.

37. Tracking an individual person in an open, uncontrolled environment without special instrumentation is not realistically possible.

38. Can we realistically expect to see the hoped-for “new world within a single generation”?

39. Actually, the Bible realistically observes that marriage itself brings ‘tribulation in the flesh.’ —1 Corinthians 7:28.

40. As for tomorrow's race, Jeremy can't realistically expect to finish in the first ten first time out.

41. 12. (a) Realistically, why is the life cycle of many humans like that of the average animal?

42. Is it realistically following the trend, or is it beyond the trend with undistinguishable taste at all?

43. Once this is done, the writer should observe how realistically each study phase can be completed.

44. Charles opted, realistically, for negotiation, and sent envoys to offer a meeting at Bourges in July.

45. Barzillai did not allow the thought of prestige and prominence to prevent him from realistically evaluating his capabilities.

46. Cae Luna is remarkably lightweight and realistically represents a baby from birth to 28 days after delivery.

47. Still, they realistically face the fact that without divine intervention, the world’s problems will never be resolved.

48. To become responsible Advisees, students need to be able to: realistically assess their academic, professional, and life goals

49. Cine Cine is a consortium formulated to depict American life and thought realistically for a global audience

50. The poor themselves were presented more realistically, whether as sources of threat or as objects of pity.