rarely in English

unusually or remarkably well.
you can write rarely now, after all your schooling
a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone.
serve with slices of avocado
the tropical evergreen tree that bears the avocado. It is native to Central America and widely cultivated elsewhere.
These include exotic ylang ylang, jasmine, turmeric, ginger, allspice, cinnamon, curry leaf, water lilies, mahogany trees, avocados , wax apples, and five varieties of mango.

Use "rarely" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rarely" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rarely", or refer to the context using the word "rarely" in the English Dictionary.

1. Blastomycosis rarely infects cats

2. She very rarely complains.

3. Parasites rarely cause food poisoning .

4. Rarely, focal, or generalized seizures

5. Pandas rarely mate in captivity.

6. Counteroffers rarely end so happily

7. Benign cystic teratoma; rarely malignant

8. Female-pattern Baldness rarely results in …

9. Oh, we rarely left the room.

10. Rarely is there a gray area.

11. This type of bee rarely stings.

12. These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

13. As a result, they Corrode rarely.

14. In my experience, one rarely is.

15. 27 Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.

16. Immunocompetent patients rarely develop Crusted scabies

17. He rarely had recourse to it.

18. We rarely dine out these days.

19. The laconic Joey Ramone rarely spoke.

20. Brails’ front door is rarely static

21. Aggressiveness is rarely malicious or violent

22. The two groups rarely meet socially.

23. Flowers rarely develop in the aquarium.

24. Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.

25. "Consequentially" is rarely used

26. These days divorce is rarely contested.

27. These offences rarely led to severe penalties.

28. His work rarely rises above the mediocre.

29. In truth, she rarely came across them.

30. Humans are rarely, but occasionally preyed upon.

31. The brothers rarely concur on any issues.

32. Rarely have I seen such a scene.

33. She is old and rarely goes out.

34. These are very rarely called Michigan Caddises.

35. 3-D Animators rarely use stop animation

36. * Antibiotics are rarely needed for food poisoning .

37. Nineteenth-century Russian poets rarely used Assonance

38. Immune system disorders: anaphylactic reaction, very rarely

39. It is rarely found in the highlands.

40. Dictators rarely go down without a fight.

41. Studies rarely include a psychiatric control group.

42. This plant rarely flowers in the aquarium.

43. Such things rarely come down on you.

44. Cancellations and late departures rarely rile him.

45. In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.

46. Candidiasis is bothersome but rarely life threatening

47. Slut-shaming rarely happens to heterosexual men.

48. 10 These animals rarely thrive in captivity.

49. I rarely premeditate, which is a mistake.

50. Colds rarely cause additional health conditions or problems