range of engagement in English

distance from which fire at an enemy will be effective and will not allow them rest

Use "range of engagement" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "range of engagement" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "range of engagement", or refer to the context using the word "range of engagement" in the English Dictionary.

1. Each unit has a strength, speed, and effective engagement range.

2. Average daily engagement per user for the date range, including the fluctuation by percentage from the previous date range.

3. The increase in engagement range was due in part to the longer range of torpedoes, and in part to improved gunnery and fire control.

4. The high level of bilateral engagement in recent years has substantially and tangibly raised the quality of our cooperation across a broad range of areas.

5. Conceptualisations of academic engagement 1

6. Engagement Learn all about running an Engagement Survey with LAttice!

7. More engagement

8. She backed out of her engagement.

9. Our latest engagement is the Cleveland Museum of Art, which we've created an engagement called Gallery One for.

10. Singleness Engagement Betrothal

11. Apertain provides User Engagement

12. I'm reconsidering my engagement.

13. Alumni engagement is the lifeblood of our community

14. I can actively cultivate an attitude of engagement.

15. It's your engagement party.

16. Critical Criminologists tend to advocate some level of direct engagement with the range of social injustices so vividly exposed by their analysis and the application of theory to action, or praxis

17. Congratulations on your engagement.

18. An engagement dinner took place on the engagement day in Solliden Palace on Öland.

19. Ivanov had a prior engagement

20. They declared off their engagement.

21. ApesB issues revised Apes 305 Terms of Engagement

22. Evidence of Algeria’s increasing global political engagement abounds.

23. His excuse of a prior engagement was accepted.

24. I was most surprised to hear of your engagement.

25. They cried off the engagement.