ramus in English

an arm or branch of a bone, in particular those of the ischium and pubes or of the jawbone.
Mandibular length refers to the distance between the posterior ramus and the inner mentum.
a structure in an invertebrate that has the form of a projecting arm, typically one of two or more that are conjoined or adjacent.
These include the presence of true, elongate furcal rami bearing spines in Perspicaris.

Use "ramus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ramus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ramus", or refer to the context using the word "ramus" in the English Dictionary.

1. The fistulography identified a fistula tract involving the ramus inferior ossis pubis.

2. Presumably, this is an evolutionary remnant of the quadrate ramus of the epipterygoid (= Alisphenoid).

3. 16 Coronary artery is proboscis and ramus of inferior epigastric artery and obturator artery.

4. Some of the Prophet’s instructions given at Ramus are recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 131.

5. Certain characteristic structural elements of sledges show a remarkable formal analogy to the ramus of mandible.

6. In these patients a total of 104 bone grafts from the mandibular ramus were harvested for alveolar ridge augmentation.

7. The Condyle is a smooth, hard, metal ball about 3/16 in in diameter that attaches to the ramus to provide a pivot

8. The increased width of the mandible in ramus/Condyle region may indicate that there is an associated fracture in the anterior mandibular arch

9. Condyle was said to be fractured when fracture line started from sigmoid notch and extended to posterior border of ramus above angle of mandible

10. Nevertheless, we find a ramus lateralis accessorius, which resembles that of Gadidae with regard to the pattern of course and the morphological relationships to the fins.

11. 21 Compared with the impacted group, the erupted group had anteriorly positioned and larger maxilla and mandible, less ramus-corpus angle and more protrusive lower incisors .

12. Traced from behind forward, each Crus begins by a blunt-pointed process in front of the tuberosity of the ischium, along the perineal surface of the conjoined (ischiopubic) ramus

13. Arrogantly Sentence Examples By him it was referred to a commission of five, who found Ramus guilty of having "acted rashly, Arrogantly and impudently," and interdicted his lectures (1544).

14. The posterior column is characterized by the dense bone at the greater sciatic notch and follows the dotted line distally through the center of the Acetabulum, the obturator foramen, and the inferior pubic ramus

15. Doctrine and Covenants 131 is composed largely of several short journal entries kept by William during May 1843.4 Among these were teachings regarding eternal marriage given in Ramus at the home of Benjamin and Melissa Johnson on May 16.

16. If all sensory pathways, going from the tail to the brain, are eliminated, except Ramus lateralis accessorius VII, which innervates the terminal buds at the trunk and tail, the animal shows still the described reactions. But when the R. lat. acc.

17. Origin: Anterior surface of inferior pubic ramus, inferior to origin of Adductor longus Insertion: Pectineal line and superior part of medial lip of linea aspera Action: Adducts and flexes the thigh, and helps to laterally rotate the thigh Innervation: Anterior or posterior division of obturator nerve Arterial Supply: Obturator artery and medial circumflex femoral artery

18. The dorsal carpal branch (ramus carpeus dorsalis; posterior radial carpal artery) is a small vessel which arises beneath the Extensor tendons of the thumb; crossing the carpus transversely toward the medial border of the hand, it Anastomoses with the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar and with the volar and dorsal interosseous arteries to form a dorsal carpal network.

19. Which nerve block Anesthetizes the mandibular teeth to the midline, buccal periosteum and mucous membranes on the side of the injection, anterior 2/3's of the tongue and floor of the mouth, lingual tissues and periosteum, body of the mandible, inferior portion of the ramus, skin over the zygoma, and the posterior portion of the cheek and temporal regions

20. A case of an anomalous unilateral accessory muscle lying on the ramus of the mandible medial to M. depressor labii mandibularis in a female fallow deer and another case of anomalous unilateral accessory small muscle connecting the aboral portion of M. malaris and fascia parotidea in a female red deer were observed during the course of dissection of the heads of both species.