radium in English

the chemical element of atomic number 88, a rare radioactive metal of the alkaline earth series. It was formerly used as a source of radiation for radiotherapy.
Rutherford was studying the structure of matter by bombarding a very thin gold foil with the alpha radiation from radium and polonium.

Use "radium" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radium" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radium", or refer to the context using the word "radium" in the English Dictionary.

1. Radium chloride is still used for the initial stages of the separation of radium from barium during the extraction of radium from pitchblende.

2. Radium is a chemical element.

3. Radium and uranium are radioactive elements.

4. Radon is the daughter of radium.

5. Radium-223 dichloride (USP, radium chloride Ra 223), tradename Xofigo (formerly Alpharadin), is an alpha-emitting radiopharmaceutical.

6. Radioactivity is a special quality of radium.

7. Radium can be used to treat cancer.

8. And the voice touched radium in me.

9. Who is the scientist firstly find radium?

10. 14 Radium and uranium are radioactive elements.

11. The Curies are best known for discovering radium.

12. Radium emits alpha particles and gives off radon gas.

13. Marie Curie discovered two new chemical elements - radium and polonium

14. Beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium and radium are alkaline earth metals.

15. All London was agog to see the two " parents " of radium.

16. The radium clock will open the First Vault in three months.

17. One curie is equal to the radioactivity of one gram of radium.

18. Radon is formed in the lithosphere by the alpha decay of radium.

19. Radium , because of its powerful radioactive rays, can go deep into the human body.

20. Radon is a gas that comes from the radioactive decay of radium in rocks.

21. Actinon definition: a radioisotope of radon that is a decay product of radium

22. The Curie is named for Marie and Pierre Curie, who discovered radium in 1898

23. Claimed to have restorative properties, radium was added to toothpaste, medicine, water, and food.

24. Mineral waters in Balneology are rich with minerals such as silica, sulfur, selenium and radium.

25. Among the discoveries of the late nineteenth century were several new chemical elements, including radium.

26. At times in the early 20th century, it was mined primarily for radium or vanadium.

27. Residues from the oil and gas industry often contain radium and its decay products.

28. They had called the rays from it radioactivity; they now decided to call the element radium.

29. The discovery and isolation of radium in uranium ore (pitchblende) by Marie Curie sparked the development of uranium mining to extract the radium, which was used to make glow-in-the-dark paints for clock and aircraft dials.

30. It is found naturally in uranium ores and Actinium is 150 times more radioactive than radium

31. Actinium, like radium and polonium, emits an ethereal blue radiance which contributes to pitchblende's luminescent properties

32. Radium Hot Springs Driving time: 2 to 4 hours with stops (145 km/90 miles) Directions:

33. The mine is on reduced frequency testing for As, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn, Radium and acute lethality.

34. Radium-228 (half-life = 5.75 years) decays through beta emission to 228Th, which is an alpha emitter.

35. The radium-based paint they had swallowed bombarded their brains and bones with alpha and beta particles.

36. Curium is named after Marie and Pierre Curie, who discovered radium and polonium, but not Curium

37. Soon after, Marie Sklodowska-Curie made the crucial discovery and isolation of radium, a radioactive element.

38. Radium-226 (half-life = 1600 years) and 224Ra (half-life = 3.66 days) undergo decay by alpha particle emission.

39. A wide range of commercial accommodations are located at Radium Hot Springs, adjacent to the Park's south boundary.

40. Radium was studied by the pioneers of radiology, Marie and Pierre Curie so the unit is named after them

41. He developed cancer, and despite radium treatment - after which all his hair fell out - he was declared terminally ill.

42. For large-scale production of actinium-225 from radium-226, one of the ITU hot cells was refurbished for the preparation of radium targets at the Curie level, for the handling of irradiated targets from the FZK cyclotron and to perform the subsequent separation of actinium.

43. Commercially the radioactive isotope bismuth-213 can be produced by bombarding radium with bremsstrahlung photons from a linear particle accelerator.

44. In 1921, she was welcomed triumphantly when she toured the United States to raise funds for research on radium.

45. Although, radium, radon and polonium were observed first, of all the components of pitchblende Actinium was the first to be isolated.

46. Radium is readily absorbed into the body where it concentrates in the bone marrow and gives off very damaging alpha particles.

47. The early use of X-rays and radium for the treatment of cancer was very much a matter of trial and error.

48. For the metals, radium and cyanide, accuracy should be within 10%, and for TSS it should be within 15%, at 17

49. The Bathyal Oscuro presents its black dial with a matte finish and deep sandwich cutouts with ample amounts of old radium color lume

50. The Bathyal Azul presents its blue dial with a matte finish and deep sandwich cutouts with ample amounts of old radium color lume