race relations in English

relations between members or communities of different races within one country.
These athletes have done more for racial harmony than all the members of the race relations board put together.

Use "race relations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "race relations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "race relations", or refer to the context using the word "race relations" in the English Dictionary.

1. This contravenes the Race Relations Act.

2. 22 Race relations are an explosive issue.

3. We need to do more to promote good race relations.

4. Also patron of health workers, interracial justice, public education, and race relations.

5. Do they mean discussing immigration and race relations laws and their implementation?

6. 27 She led a candid discussion about race relations in the city.

7. One of the most prominent challenges territorial Hawaii had to face was race relations.

8. The figure of £778 under survey fees is part payment for the Race Relations Consultancy.

9. Because this is what I would say I've learned the most about race relations, from this piece.

10. Race relations, cordial when blacks and whites had earlier shared a sense of purpose, grew increasingly tense.

11. And they now look set to promote more harmonious race relations in the community after passing with flying colours.

12. This kind of governmental double standard towards minorities survived until the passing of the Race Relations Act in 19

13. How Much We Have Backslid The nation has made great progress in race relations in the last 50 years

14. This is a story of continuing progress, from the barbarity of slavery to the enlightenment of the contemporary race relations industry.

15. In New York a series of events caused blacks to mobilize against racially motivated violence and exacerbated race relations in the city.

16. The rancorous case has been a political and emotional flashpoint for the city and a barometer of race relations in New York.

17. The strain in race relations led to the Singaporean 1964 Race Riots, which PAP Malay politician Othman Wok later insinuated were planned beforehand by the ultras.