rabbis in English

a Jewish scholar or teacher, especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law.
With my rabbi teaching me Torah and how to ask the big questions, it became harder and harder to travel and feel good about it.

Use "rabbis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rabbis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rabbis", or refer to the context using the word "rabbis" in the English Dictionary.

1. I have aggro rabbis stalking me in crosswalks.

2. See the box “Gamaliel —Esteemed Among the Rabbis.”

3. 19 The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions.

4. The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions.

5. In other matters the Karaites were far more restrictive than the rabbis.

6. SOME ancient rabbis were not entirely comfortable with the book of Ezekiel.

7. However, instead of scraping such extraneous laws away, the rabbis kept adding more.

8. 9 The Kirk's answer to the rollicking rabbis was of course Revd James Currie.

9. The Kirk's answer to the rollicking rabbis was of course Revd James Currie.

10. Yet almost none of the congregants ever asks the rabbis or synagogue presidents how they will be voting.

11. It costs much less to support celibate clergy than ministers or rabbis with spouses and children.

12. When rabbis began to turn their position into a salaried occupation, some spoke out against it.

13. The box compares what the Scriptures say about life after death with what the rabbis teach.

14. He was attacked by rabbis and Zionist activists the length and breadth of the state.

15. The ancient rabbis arranged the books of the Hebrew Scriptures in three groups: the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.

16. The rabbis felt compelled to prove that the oral and written law are of one spirit and purpose.

17. (See box.) (b) Why did the ancient rabbis feel it necessary to “make a fence around the Law”?

18. The Talmud —written commentaries on oral laws by the rabbis— is also influenced by Greek thought.

19. There were only a few dozen synagogues and fewer rabbis, yet the synod took two decades to convene.

20. Thus, the emphasis naturally switched from inspired Scripture to the oral law and traditions taught by these rabbis.

21. Because the growing, feeding and slaughtering of kosher chickens are supervised by rabbis, all growers must meet certain standards.

22. According to the Talmud, ancient rabbis advised that a scholar “should not converse with a woman in the street.”

23. To give weight to his teachings, he appeals neither to oral traditions nor to well-known Jewish rabbis.

24. In saying, “Moses received Torah,” the rabbis were referring not only to the written laws but to all their oral traditions.

25. But even if the rabbis did list Daniel among the Writings, would this prove that it was written at a later date?

26. But in the Mishnah we find a list of 39 activities forbidden by the rabbis on the Sabbath.—Shabbat 7:2.

27. T\'ruah chaverim are rabbis and Cantors who stand up to be counted as human rights leaders, nationally and in their own communities

28. And the rabbis and the early fathers of the church who said that any interpretation of scripture that bred hatred and disdain was illegitimate.

29. Rejecting the authority of the rabbis, the “Oral Law,” and the Talmud, they had greater reason to guard the Bible text systematically.

30. 23 Nevertheless, not all Bible researchers agree that the ancient rabbis divided the canon in such a rigid manner or that they excluded Daniel from the Prophets.

31. Written in collaboration with my partners from the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) and the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) in thinking …

32. “Probably on account of the influence of Platonism,” says the Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, “[rabbis] believed in the pre-existence of souls.”

33. Historians have noted that the tombs of the rabbis were venerated in much the same way as were the tombs of prophets and patriarchs.

34. These oral traditions were transmitted by the Pharisee school of thought of ancient Judaism and were later recorded in written form and expanded upon by the rabbis.

35. Last year between 800 and 1000 rabbis; I don't know if only in the USA or worldwide; said that homosexuals are to blame for the earthquake in Haiti.

36. It is said that, all in all, the rabbis added 39 rules to God’s law about the Sabbath and then made endless additions to those rules.

37. Collecting the Aggadot relating to a single character provides a fresh look at this midrashic material, along with an intriguing portrait of the character, as seen through the eyes of the Rabbis

38. Celebrants are generally recognized in all states and many countries, being accorded the same rights and privileges granted by law to priests, ministers, and rabbis of traditional theistic religions

39. Maimonides also sharply criticized another practice: “[Rabbis] fixed for themselves monetary demands from individuals and communities and caused people to think, in utter foolishness, that it is obligatory and proper . . .

40. In his book The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Alfred Edersheim wrote: “The [rabbis] —the ‘great ones of the world’ had long settled it, that study was before works.”

41. The rabbis themselves state that the Aggadah is not authoritative and insist that no halakhah may be derived from aggadot, but it is held in high esteem concerning insight and piety.

42. 3 In their more formal teaching sessions, the rabbis were accustomed to sit down, and on this particular spring morning of 31 C.E., that is what Jesus did, apparently at a level place higher on the hillside.

43. The Aleph Ordination Program offers a comprehensive curriculum of study and practica for rabbis, cantors, rabbinic pastors and mashpi'im, embracing both traditional modalities of learning and prayer and the exploration of new learning, ritual, art, music, and prayer experiences

44. Since Approbations were frequently sought by traveling scholars, who depended for their livelihood upon the publication of their works, many a book is found to contain ten, twelve, and even more Approbations by the various rabbis whom the author visited upon his travels

45. In the days before the diplomats had to leave Vilna, the Japanese Consul Sempo Sugihara and the Dutch Consul Cooperated with local Jews and issued visas that allowed for the escape of the Mir Yeshiva rabbis and students to Shanghai.

46. Consistory (Consistoire), official organization of the Jewish congregations in France established in 1808.The term was borrowed from Protestant usage by the Napoleonic administration to designate the committees of rabbis and laymen responsible for the administration of the Jewish congregations at the regional and national levels.

47. N pl , Aggadoth (Judaism) 1 a a homiletic passage of the Talmud b collectively, the homiletic part of traditional Jewish literature, as contrasted with Halacha, consisting of elaborations on the biblical narratives or tales from the lives of the ancient Rabbis 2 any traditional

48. Answer, Christ may be supposed to speak to this young man thus, "Thou givest me a title which was never given to the most renowned rabbis, and which agrees to God alone; now thou oughtest to believe that there is something in me more than human, if thou Conceivest that this title of good doth belong to me." Observe, 2.

49. Much to the dismay of the Rabbis of his day, Philo Allegorized the Old Testament in order “to offer the Greeks the best of Judaism and the Jews the best of Greek philosophy.” [i] In other words, Philo reinterpreted God’s Word to make it appealing to the Greeks while hoping it would encourage the Jews to embrace Greek philosophy.

50. The answer is written in Gemara and Poskim: Our Rabbis have taught: All the restrictions that apply to the mourner hold equally good of the Ninth of Ab It is also forbidden [thereon] to read the Law (Pentateuch) {they rejoicing the hearth}, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa or to study Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, Halachoth, or Aggadoth; he may, however, read such parts of Scripture which he