quetzalcoatl in English

the plumed serpent god of the Toltec and Aztec civilizations.

Use "quetzalcoatl" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quetzalcoatl" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quetzalcoatl", or refer to the context using the word "quetzalcoatl" in the English Dictionary.

1. Peter Kolosimo believed that the legends of Quetzalcoatl had a basis in fact.

2. For some minutes jaguar knight prayed to Quetzalcoatl -the feathered snake, the God between the Gods- and asked for wisdom and braveness.

3. - The White and Black Brotherhoods - The Work of Secret Societies in the World - The Atom as Coagulated Electricity - The Writing on the Wall - Thoth-Hermes / Ningishzidda-Ishkur / Quetzalcoatl-Viracocha - Main File

4. Atmas For Monk! Home Asura Asura Bahamut Bismarck Carbuncle Cerberus Fenrir Lakshmi Leviathan Odin Phoenix Quetzalcoatl Ragnarok Shiva Siren Sylph Valefor Alexander Caitsith Diabolos Fairy Garuda Gilgamesh Hades Ifrit Kujata Midgardsormr Pandemonium Ramuh Remora Seraph Titan Unicorn