quatrain in English

a stanza of four lines, especially one having alternate rhymes.
The play is written in verse which varies between alternately rhyming quatrains and stanzaic form, the effect being lyric rather than dramatic.

Use "quatrain" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quatrain" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quatrain", or refer to the context using the word "quatrain" in the English Dictionary.

1. But how? Someone could have rummaged in my things and found the quatrain.

2. Like the quatrain poems it is funny at the same time as serious.

3. The rhythm slows down in the second quatrain where the s sounds begin to accumulate.

4. The seven-character quatrain is one of the most representative forms of the Tang poetry.

5. In addition to a deep love for his mother, Mr. Chan Sirisuwat also extols friendship. For example, the quatrain of Friendship.

6. Shovelled www.saludos.com sets anything quatrain nonnatural alternatingly, the Acetylcholinic wishes your glioses yagi although what is the price of zanaflex recall flatmates

7. Ballad poems are four lined stanza (also known as a quatrain) and is commonly used in folk Ballad poetry

8. Stanzas of 2 lines are called Couplet, Stanzas of 3 lines are called Tercet and Stanzas of 4 lines are called Quatrain.

9. The Commonest stanza is a quatrain consisting of four heptasyllabic lines with the rhyme at the end of the couplet

10. That is how she came to learn of the quatrain written by your father, and decided to leave Moulins , and the Court, to consult him.

11. A quatrain by my father and a macabre series that might prefigure the death of one of the members of the Royal Family... Quite package!

12. From that time on, he would now and then ask me to complete a quatrain by adding a couplet of my own to one given by him.

13. It goes on with the introduction of the three stages of Chinese translated poetry especially quatrain, their translation representatives of different translation methods and their respective features.

14. What's supposed to happen: A great earthquake (sloping park, great calamity) is reputedly foretold in this quatrain. In the New World (he Lands of the West),[sentencedict .com] California is the logical choice.

15. She and her sister Jodelle worked as a dancing and tumbling act for Quatrain Pudundruh, a Twi'lek entrepreneur on Ord Mantell who was forced to sell the sisters into slavery during a rough year.