pyrrhotite in English

a reddish-bronze mineral consisting of iron sulfide, typically forming massive or granular deposits.
Microcrystals of pyrrhotite , goethite, pyrite, galena, and calcite are found on the dumps.

Use "pyrrhotite" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pyrrhotite" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pyrrhotite", or refer to the context using the word "pyrrhotite" in the English Dictionary.

1. A Crumbling foundation caused by the presence of pyrrhotite

2. Centre ensanguining nonperspective dirigibles Telfore pyrrhotite Antilemic spinebone plodders trows

3. Wall rock adjacent to the veins contains pyrrhotite, pyrite, and gold.

4. ‘Pseudomorphs of marcasite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Arsenopyrite, pyrargyrite, magnetite, and quartz after pyrrhotite have been reported.’ More example sentences ‘Iron and copper sulfides of this region are predominately pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, Arsenopyrite, bornite, and marcasite.’

5. Gold is associated with quartz-ankerite veins; variable pyrrhotite; coarse-grained, euhedral arsenopyrite; and sericite alteration.

6. The major tie-line pyrrhotite-tungsten differentiates this system from the analogous Fe-Mo-S system.

7. Gold is associated with quartz-ankerite veins, variable pyrrhotite, coarse-grained euhedral arsenopyrite, and sericite alteration.

8. Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition and subsequent thermal demagnetization indicate that pyrrhotite is the dominant ferrimagnetic mineral.

9. As a secondary mineral it forms by chemical alteration of a primary mineral such as pyrrhotite or chalcopyrite.

10. Alteration associated with quartz veins is zoned, with biotite—pyrrhotite vein selvedges and a distal calcic-amphibole, arsenopyrite–lôllingite zone.

11. Auriferous Arsenopyrite is the dominant ore mineral in the Ashanti mine and is accompanied by pyrite, pyrrhotite, and marcasite (Oberthür et al., 1997)

12. The most valuable ore deposits discovered contained Argentiferous galena carrying some gold, the associated vein minerals were quartz, calcite, zinc blende, pyrite, chalcopyrite, barite, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite

13. They contain combinations of magnetite, clinopyroxene, blue–green hornblende, titanite, apatite, fluorite, quartz, biotite, andradite, epidote, albite, hematite, sulfides (chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, molybdenite, sphalerite), ilmenite, allanite, and other REE-bearing minerals.

14. 3 photos of Bytownite associated with Pyrrhotite: Fe 1-x S: 3 photos of Bytownite associated with Actinolite: Ca 2 (Mg 4.5-2.5 Fe 0.5-2.5)Si 8 O 22 OH 2: 1 photo of Bytownite …

15. Crumbling Foundations Upwards of 35,000 homes in a radius of Stafford Springs, Connecticut, are facing the potential for a failed concrete foundation due to the possible presence of a naturally occurring iron sulfide, pyrrhotite, in their concrete foundation.

16. ‘This rock is a dark gray schistose rock containing radiating aggregates of Cummingtonite and occasionally pyrrhotite.’ ‘The two minerals can have similar distinctive brown colors and are hard to differentiate from each other, although Cummingtonite is typically darker and slightly denser.’

17. ‘This rock is a dark gray schistose rock containing radiating aggregates of Cummingtonite and occasionally pyrrhotite.’ ‘The two minerals can have similar distinctive brown colors and are hard to differentiate from each other, although Cummingtonite is typically darker and slightly denser.’