pyrrhic victory in English

[Pyr·rhic vic·to·ry || 'pɪrɪk]

victory accompanied by enormous losses (as was Pyrrhus' victory over the Romans in the 3rd century B.C.)

Use "pyrrhic victory" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pyrrhic victory" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pyrrhic victory", or refer to the context using the word "pyrrhic victory" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sadly, it was a pyrrhic victory.

2. They get excited about their Pyrrhic victory.

3. It may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory.

4. The current proposal could prove pyrrhic victory, however.

5. This is a Pyrrhic victory for Basildon council.

6. It was a pyrrhic victory for both sides.

7. Inflation seemed like a pyrrhic victory, almost a tease.

8. This is why I say this is a Pyrrhic victory.

9. But man is not over, consider people are most pyrrhic victory.

10. Barack Obama signs health care bill amid warnings of Pyrrhic victory.

11. I know , just because it was a Pyrrhic victory for them.

12. Decisive victory Strategic victory Pyrrhic victory Joint Chiefs of Staff (2001).

13. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory.

14. The triumph of postmodernism, at least in the west, has been a Pyrrhic victory.

15. If this constituted defeat for Malcolm McLaren, it was, perhaps, only a pyrrhic victory for Richard Branson.

16. My only regret is that he didn't turn up at court to watch his Pyrrhic victory.

17. Our winning the opening game was a Pyrrhic victory, as our leading scorer was seriously injured.

18. I raised a stink about it and got my seat back, but it was a Pyrrhic victory.

19. A total win for one side in any negotiation is just wrong because it's almost always a pyrrhic victory.

20. But it was all too little to make me feel really good about my reporter's Pyrrhic victory of scoring a rare exclusive.

21. Federalists who sought integration by pursuing first a grandiose constitution and then, by hook or by crook, the Lisbon treaty have won a Pyrrhic victory.

22. "At this general assembly of Coxcombs, fops and the world's greatest dunces, Theobald, an unsuccessful writer, is crowned 'Chief of the Dunces'." Fame Ndongo's Pyrrhic Victory; Peterkins Manyong; The Post (Buea, Cameroon); Jan 16, 2007