putsch in English

a violent attempt to overthrow a government.
In Caracas, the elected president is a Castroite who earlier attempted a beer-hall putsch and is busily immiserating his middle class.

Use "putsch" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "putsch" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "putsch", or refer to the context using the word "putsch" in the English Dictionary.

1. Then came the August 1991 putsch.

2. After the '44 Putsch they arrested him.

3. 1836: First putsch by Louis Napoleon, aged 28, fails.

4. This was the time of the August 1991 putsch.

5. Both generals were convicted for their role in the failed putsch.

6. Spectacular changes have taken place at the top since the failed putsch.

7. Instead, he frightened them into suppressing his putsch through the use of the Bavarian state police.

8. The country, not surprisingly, preferred to wait to be persuaded rather than get pulverized in a partisan putsch.

9. The victorious Ms Merkel need fear no putsch, but that may make political renewal harder.

10. Barely 14 months later, a failed putsch in Moscow left the Soviet Union in ruins.

11. 10 Instead, he frightened them into suppressing his putsch through the use of the Bavarian state police.

12. 24 The country, not surprisingly, preferred to wait to be persuaded rather than get pulverized in a partisan putsch.

13. For a best case, imagine a virtuous circle of events that starts with a favorable market reaction to Paulson's putsch.

14. He has taunted millions of Iranians by praising their unprecedented participation in an election many now view as a ballot-box putsch.

15. Probably the putsch of 30 September 1965 was intended to pre-empt the power struggle which must ensue when the president died.

16. The third time was for Wuxu Putsch and the Boxre and it fully played two functions— "resisting the outside" and "pacifying the inner side".

17. To consolidate and advance his own position in the NSDAP, Himmler took advantage of the disarray in the party following Hitler's arrest in the wake of the Beer Hall Putsch.

18. It is also the day, in 19 when the SS was founded, when the Munich beer hall putsch took place in 19 the day the German monarchy ended in 19 and the day the German revolution failed in 18

19. In this most recent escalation of a four-year putsch — Abetted by some of the same representatives and senators whose chambers were attacked by the mob — we see the last few threads of Trumpism that were never explicit now made manifest

20. Mitterrand was supported in the second round by the left and other anti-Gaullists: centrist Jean Monnet, moderate conservative Paul Reynaud and Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour, an extreme right-winger and the lawyer who had defended Raoul Salan, one of the four generals who had organized the 1961 Algiers putsch during the Algerian War.