pustules in English

a small blister or pimple on the skin containing pus.
Lesions consist of erythematous papules, nodules, pustules , verrucous, or granulomatous lesions.

Use "pustules" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pustules" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pustules", or refer to the context using the word "pustules" in the English Dictionary.

1. Pustules - clearly visible on the surface of the skin .

2. The broken pustules then burned like dots of acid.

3. aureus leading to follicular yellow pustules, sometimes with a narrow, red areola.

4. It was covered in weeping pustules and had been isolated from the group.

5. It is characterized by one or more large, tender boggy masses with erythema, pustules, crusting, and alopecia.

6. Its most devastating form ( Puccinia graminis ) attacks the plant's stem, forming lethal, scaly red pustules.

7. Synonyms for Buboes include abscesses, blisters, boils, ulcers, carbuncles, pustules, furuncles, inflammation, swelling and whitlows

8. There was first an ulcer and boil inflamed; then the pustules, or Blains, broke out on it

9. Acute folliculitis with follicular and perifollicular pustules and destruction of the hair follicle may be seen.

10. We differentiate between open comedones (blackheads), closed comedones (white nodules) and acne pustules or pimples (inflamed comedones).

11. Because of its drying characteristics, Calamine lotion can help to dry out acne pustules and minimize their appearance

12. Malassezia folliculitis (synonym: Pityrosporum folliculitis) is a polymorphic dermatomycosis characterized by the development of small papules and pustules.

13. Comedone extraction may also temporarily stop whiteheads and blackheads from turning into inflammatory lesions like papules and pustules

14. In contrast to psoriasis pustulosa palmaris et plantaris, Andrews Bacterid becomes manifest as isolated pustules with an erythematous rim, which do not destroy the ridged skin

15. Les Boutons d’acné : Les Boutons rouges, les points blancs, les points noirs, les pustules, les comédons et les kystes constituent des Boutons d’acné

16. The localization of the primary sterile pustules on the acri and their observed apparition in rhythmic pushes every five to seven days point to central regulative mechanisms.

17. Benzoyl peroxide is able to treat all kinds of acne—including blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, and cysts—but it's especially great for inflammatory cystic acne (aka those red, angry bumps).

18. Acute generalized pustular Bacterid was first described by Andrews et al2 and the concept was supported by Tan.1 AGPB is char-acterized by sterile pustules with a red halo but not scaly erythema

19. Noun Comedones technical term for blackhead (sense 1) ‘This is a chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland (pilosebaceous unit) characterized by pustules, Comedones, cysts, and scars, and it affects most adolescents.’

20. Basidiospores 5-8 x 3.5-5.5 [mu]m, (n=53/5/5, Q=0.83-1.77, Qm=1.40), short-broadly ellipsoid in profile view, globose in polar view, with obscure pustules, appearing almost smooth or with minute to obscure angles in polar view, hilar appendix conspicuous, thin-walled, hyaline, inamyloid (Fig.

21. Folliculitis decalvans is an inflammation of the hair follicle that leads to Bogginess or induration of involved parts of the scalp along with pustules, erosions, crusts, ulcers, and scale.: 649: 760–1 It begins at a central point and spreads outward, leaving scarring, sores, and, due to the inflammation, hair loss in its wake