purportedly in English


allegedly, professedly

Use "purportedly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "purportedly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "purportedly", or refer to the context using the word "purportedly" in the English Dictionary.

1. Arrowing was purportedly introduced to balance manpower across various shifts

2. 6 This is purportedly the oldest tree in the world.

3. 5 Gugliotta then made the sort of mistake purportedly reserved for youngsters like Garnett.

4. 2 The photos were purportedly taken by free-lancer E. J.

5. 1 He was given a letter purportedly signed by the Prime Minister.

6. 13 Mayor Oh Se - Hoon launched the campaign last year, purportedly to improve efficiency.

7. “White parents’ children are Benefiting from the system” of whiteness, it was purportedly said

8. 19 The report did not say who in the Iraqi government had purportedly approved deal or when.

9. A flying cat is among the creatures purportedly discovered by Victorian adventurer Professor Copperthwaite.

10. 4 Instead, the funny man who purportedly lives here is nowhere to be found.

11. 8 A flying cat is among the creatures purportedly discovered by Victorian adventurer Professor Copperthwaite.

12. Antonyms for Authentically include professedly, supposedly, presumably, ostensibly, apparently, allegedly, theoretically, hypothetically, avowedly and purportedly

13. 3 A potential consignment was purportedly held back in the hope of a higher price.

14. " We have seen the statement, purportedly on the lines of a travel advisory issued by Australia.

15. 16 And now, as the president sings his swan song , Bin Laden has purportedly surfaced again.

16. Adverb supposedly, apparently, reportedly, by all accounts, reputedly, purportedly His van Allegedly struck her as she was crossing the street

17. 12 The show of zeal by Labour MPs on June 8 th was purportedly stage - managed by them.

18. Marvia Malik has made history in Pakistan's media industry by purportedly becoming the country's first transgender news anchor.

19. By taking Altai Balance daily, you can purportedly renew your hair, skin, and nails and control diabetes symptoms, among other benefits.

20. By taking two capsules of Anabolic Reload per day, you can purportedly increase testosterone at any age

21. And now, as the president sings his swan song [sentence dictionary], Bin Laden has purportedly surfaced again.

22. Book of Baruch, ancient text purportedly written by Baruch, secretary and friend of Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet

23. Elizabeth Bathory, Hungarian Countess who purportedly tortured and murdered hundreds of young women in the 16th and 17th centuries

24. 11 In the giant goldfish bowl that is Hong Kong, Mrs Chan's purportedly personal decision is being examined in microscopic detail.

25. What does Channeling mean? The act or practice of serving as a medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with living persons

26. 10 Purportedly, the amount of exhibitions here are also same as the amount of rabbits, which is increasing at the rate of severalfold.

27. Bosnia Agonizes over release of massacre video This image taken from a video purportedly shows the shadow of a Serbian soldier cast over …

28. Bible verses about Channeling Free dictionary definition – The act or practice of serving as a medium through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with living persons

29. 9 1Years earlier, Wall Street legend Bernard Baruch purportedly said that every man is entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts.

30. In Automatism a message is purportedly conveyed, usually through a spiritualist medium speaking in a trance during a séance (French: “sitting”), through automatic writing

31. 14 Third, the Biblical arguments against same-sex marriage are not proffered from texts that deal with marriage, but from texts that purportedly deal with same-sex orientation.

32. 15 The country has become one of the world's main exporters of manufactured goods and sites for transnational corporate investment, while purportedly lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty.

33. 18 This is one of the best ways that the world undermined al-Qaeda: Showing Muslims that the terrorist group doesn't care about the people they purportedly fight for.

34. ‘Abortionist’ Strangled Baby Born Alive A decades-old story of a doctor purportedly strangling a live infant after complications during a saline abortion was misleadingly shared across social

35. Materials from the site near Kamianka-Dniprovska, purportedly the capital of Ateas' state, show that metallurgists were free members of the society, even if burdened with imposed obligations.

36. 7 Beer goggles are fictitious eyeglasses which purportedly cause an inebriated wearer to see members of the opposite sex as more romantically attainable or physically attractive than they actually are.

37. Boomeranger A child who moves out of their family's house, purportedly to get jobs and/or start their own lives, but who return shortly thereafter to live with their parents again.

38. 17 They claimed he was finally cornered in a pharmacy and was killed after refusing to surrender and opening fire with a 9mm Mauser pistol,(www.Sentencedict.com) which was purportedly recovered from his body.

39. For our part, we note that independent international experts have not yet visited either the place of the supposed chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun or the Shairat military airfield from which the attack was purportedly launched.

40. 1 day ago · An incident orchestrated by a “dirty cop” purportedly only to recover his lost glory has become the starting the point of what seems to be the Crumbling of a huge empire of illegal activities

41. The general power of attorney under which all of this was purportedly done was of the drugstore variety which authorized James to sign "Bottomries" and "charter parties," but makes no mention of Grace's Will or estate plan.

42. Covenantee + anyone treated as a party as a reuslt of section 56 LPA 1925 + persons expressely or purportedly benefited falling under the Contracts Act 1999 Enforced by a successor in title to the original Covenantee Enforced by a person deriving title (not a successor) from the original

43. The Audiotapes purportedly linking to TMC are a big setback to the ruling party amid the ongoing assembly polls while the BJP exuding confidence of dominating the elections as far as the two phases of polling are concerned and six more phases to go.

44. Breeder is a satirical term coined by homosexuals as response to decades of oppression, particularly for parents who purportedly overfocus on their children and allegedly abandon their previous friends and lifestyle; or to women who give birth to many children, often with the derisive implication that they have too many offspring

45. The Adagio in Sol minore per archi e organo su due spunti tematici e su un basso numerato di Tomaso Albinoni (Mi 26) also known as Adagio in G minor for strings and organ is a neo-Baroque composition commonly attributed to the 18th-century Venetian master Tomaso Albinoni, but actually composed by 20th-century musicologist and Albinoni biographer Remo Giazotto, purportedly based on the