ptarmigan in English

a northern grouse of mountainous and Arctic regions, with feathered legs and feet and plumage that typically changes to white in winter.
Most game birds are also galliforms, including grouse, partridges, pheasants, quails, ptarmigans , and wild turkeys.

Use "ptarmigan" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ptarmigan" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ptarmigan", or refer to the context using the word "ptarmigan" in the English Dictionary.

1. The mother ptarmigan beat about him with great outcry.

2. But he could not stop, for the mother ptarmigan was running on.

3. The creature that stopped the bus was a ptarmigan , Alaska's state bird.

4. A black fox came toward him, carrying a ptarmigan in his mouth.

5. The Ptarmigan was closed, and so I walked down beneath the ski-tow towards the road.

6. I was hiking around Guanella Pass in Colorado to photograph white-tailed ptarmigan .

7. The common ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) of Arctic regions, having brownish plumage that turns white in winter.

8. It was a fearful cry, but the fox, leaping away in fright, did not drop the ptarmigan.

9. Ptarmigan seems to be following a strategy similar to that adopted by Mr Wilbraham in 19

10. With a lep fox gave chase, but a moment too late. Ptarmigan flapped furiously toward safe trees below.

11. The broken shell of a recently-hatched ptarmigan egg rests on the ground near Tebay Lakes, Alaska.

12. He came upon a valley where rock ptarmigan rose on whirring wings from the ledges and muskegs .

13. Naturalists could not agree about whether they belonged to different ptarmigan species or were just varieties—subsets, in other words—of a single species.

14. Ptarmigan and ravens are considered the only year-round birds in the park, although 43 species make seasonal use of the area.

15. Altitude and terrain heterogeneity were important variables at all scales, with higher probabilities of Rock Ptarmigan being present at intermediate altitude ranges, with a high degree of terrain heterogeneity.

16. The ptarmigan is a bird in the grouse family and chicks have feathers with intricate yellow, brown, grey, and chestnut patterns during the first weeks of life.

17. Blooded is a 2011 British independent horror/thriller film written by James Walker, produced by Magma Pictures and Ptarmigan ACP and directed by Edward Boase, his first feature

18. Only ptarmigan are permanent residents near Nadlok, the rock variety inhabiting elevations where caribou spotters congregated, and the willow variety in the low wet areas adjoining the site.

19. He could take a ptarmigan from its nest, kill a rabbit as it slept, and snap in mid-air the little chipmunks fleeing a second too late for the trees.

20. Those interviewed spoke of a change in the range of species of mammals (moose and beaver) as well as a decrease in the number of some bird species (ptarmigan).

21. Since his first research visit in 19 he has traipsed repeatedly among caribou, white polar hare and ptarmigan in this remote area—accessible only by helicopter—for one to three months at a shot.

22. According to the standard data form submitted by Italy in November 1998, it hosts a number of birds referred to in Annex I to the Birds Directive – the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), the peregrine (Falco peregrinus), the honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus), the hazel hen (Bonasa bonasia), the ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus helveticus), the black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and the black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) – as well as the migratory birds the sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus), the common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and the wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria).