pseudo code in English

a notation resembling a simplified programming language, used in program design.
I spelled out every single detail, using elaborate pseudocode - even writing many of the SQL statements the programmers would need - and adding extra expository explanation wherever I could.

Use "pseudo code" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pseudo code" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pseudo code", or refer to the context using the word "pseudo code" in the English Dictionary.

1. We've provided some pseudo code below.

2. The pseudo-code for this program almost identically matches its Scheme implementation.

3. At various times, Microsoft have said p-code is an abbreviation for either packed code or pseudo code.

4. To illustrate how to use dacscheck, let's revisit the pseudo-code that builds a menu, presented in Listing this time in Perl.

5. Loss.Backward() computes dloss/dx for every parameter x which has requires_grad=True.These are accumulated into x.grad for every parameter x.In pseudo-code: x.grad += dloss/dx optimizer.step updates the value of x using the gradient x.grad.For example, the SGD optimizer performs: x += -lr * x.grad