proximately in English


['prɑksɪmətlɪ /'prɒk-]

nearly, closely, nearby

Use "proximately" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proximately" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proximately", or refer to the context using the word "proximately" in the English Dictionary.

1. Full size Cinderblocks proximately 26 $2.00 each.

2. Synonyms for Circumferentially include peripherally, outerly, perimetrically, encirclingly, ambiently, adjacently, proximately, immediately, circumambiently and

3. Synonyms for circumambiently include peripherally, adjacently, encirclingly, immediately, proximately, Circumjacently, closely, contiguously, nearly and

4. Section 7-210 unambiguously imposes a duty upon owners of certain real property to maintain the sidewalk Abutting their property in a reasonably safe condition, and provides that said owners are liable for personal injury that is proximately caused by such failure

5. You should rather optically canvass the science and whether his policies are in line with the Paris Accedences and to stay below 1.5 or even 2 degrees Celsius, and then you can pellucidly optically discern that, no, it’s not proximately enough in …